At an unknowable distance from the Inn and Theatre, lies a place...hidden beyond a dark path which leads into the darkness of the deepest shadows...guarded by many unearthly creatures, huge beasts they are...deep black in color with red glowing eyes, Though their appearance is seemingly much like a dog, hound rather...
The moonlight reveals them to be hideous, large creatures, baring long razor sharp fangs, mix of blood and drool dripping from between them, with grotesquely disordered features, they move without sound, with unnatural speed, nothing by foot could out run them...they crave of one thing "flesh", they leave few of their victims remains to be found...
If you have gotten thus far...
You've escaped you go further down the path, deeper into the shadows you come to find yourself surrounded by nothing...not the slightest noise for you to determine the living from the dead, Sept the sounds of a beating heart, racing in thy chest...nothing but deep endless blackness all around you...there is no longer the faint haunting moonlight which once lead you the way down the long you find yourself becoming weakened by your own confusion, wondering and fear, you now feel unsure of where the path began, seeing deep foggy mist before thee... beyond...If thus go further, an entrance...
Illusions surround this "appears" to you to be the only way to the distance you can hear the howling of those hungry beasts you had escaped...sounding closer to you by the seconds...
Do you turn back?...and try your chances...
Or shall you go to the it just an illusion?...or could it lead somewhere?
Make your choice wisely...