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Join my webring!

Have a site about animated characters? Animated movies? Animation studios like Disney, Dreamworks or something else? Anime?

If you answered "yes" to at least one of these, you're in the right place!

"Our Beloved Animated Characters" webring is to all those sites which have information on one or more animated characters, from any movie or tv series. From Roger Rabbit to Sailor Moon, from Timon (yay!;)) to Moses. As long as it stays on animation and/or specific animated characters, you're welcome to join.

How do I join?

Just fill out the form below at the end of the page and you'll be moved to the ring queue. I will check out your site within at least 2 weeks (if you don't get an answer from me by then, feel free to e-mail me) and if it meets the criteria, I'll add you to the ring. Simple as that.:)

Why should I join?

Of course it's your own choice, no-one's forcing you to.;) But webrings are good to use as sort of search engines for links and a lot of people navigate through them. If you want another good way to increase your site's popularity, it's through a webring. And if your page is about animation and you want people who are interested in animation to find your site, this is just for you.:)

Want another graphic?

At the end of the page I've placed the current logo for the webring to be used. If you'd like to have different pictures instead of the current Esmeralda and Kovu ones, just e-mail me and ask for the specific pics you would like to use on your logo. They can be any two pics, as far as they're clean (I hope you know what I mean) and from an animation. OR, if you have a logo YOU would like to perhaps show others, e-mail me as above and show me the picture.:)

Are there any rules?

I'm afraid so....
1. The page MUST be safe for viewing for all ages. No sex, violence, bad language or porn, even if they come from an animated movie/tv series.
2. The page must be about ANIMATED CHARACTERS. I will not accept commercial sites that are somehow related to animation through the six degrees of separation. Your site has to be about your love for animated characters, animated movies or TV shows.
3. Must meet my approval. (But that's pretty easy.:))

There, are you set? Then please join!

Submit site to Our Beloved Animated Characters ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

PS. Took down the old ring graphic, because Webring has a new code now and I'm too lazy to post it here ot show what it looks like.;) It's a lot smaller than the old one though, so if you join, you won't have to worry about the size or anything. Hakuna Matata!

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