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Welcome To TutsieBell's Home Page!

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Established : 12/30/98

Updated : 1/30/99

I designed this page to get you where you want to go quick. I didn't want you to have to sit and wait forever for my page to load, so I broke it down into many pages. You can surf through each page by subject. This is my very fist page that I have done on my own... so if you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to voice them to me.

A Tribute To My Husband Wade

The midi playing on this page is "You're The Inspiration" By: Chicago. I chose this midi, as a tribute to my husband, for he is the inspiration behind everything that I do. To read my tribute to him, please click on You're The Inspiration above.

Lori's Links

Check out some of my favorite web sites on Lori's Links

Wade's World

After reading Wade's tribute, you can see my serious opinion of him.... Now check out his ohter side!
He's crazy I tell ya! Wade's World

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GRRRR....Don't be shy now... GRRRR.....Come Back Soon.....GRRRR.......The door is always open!

Whof! Whof!

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