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~*MiniDragon Lagoon*~

After what seems like an etenally long trek through dense under brush and thick vegitation you come into a clearing, and a marvolous one at that. Straight a head of you is a pool of crystal clear water with lily's and other water plants floating on top of it. All around you branches with thick leaves and amazingly coloured flowers reach out to you, thier scent is almost hypnotic. Marsh grass and moss make up the ground of this lagoon while thick, lush trees can be spotted all around you, their roots and trunks twisted. The bark of these trees are white and green and spanish moss hangs off of them, What a paradise. But you are not the only one here right now...churps, trills and whistles can be heard from all around you and wing beats can be heard as well. A high trill from behind you makes you turn in alarm, but you calm once you find yourself looking down on a lovley purple mini dragon.


~Welcome to our lagoon tired human~

She bows gracefully and fans out her wings to you.

~I am Trila, the oldest here in the lagoon. For what reason have you come? Oh, never mind, You would like you see the others yes? I assumed so~

Amazed at how the little purple reads you mind you find her cocking her head, but then churping at you.

~I am telepathic, it is a power of mine..besides, you think quite loudly~

A flutter from behind you make you turn, not finding anything you look up in one of the odd white trees and see a beauty of a black mini dragon and an amazingly coloured silver looking down at you.


~Hello human, I am Keethery, the black, but most call me keeth~

~I am Seerenth, the silver, feel free to call me whatever you like, since i do not have a nick-name like the black over there~

~Both of you show some manners~

~Sorry Trila~

The two say in unison. Keethery starts to preen her wings, sutibly ignoring you. Seerenth however flies down and lands on your shoulder.

~do not mind keeth, she does not mean badly. But come, come, follow me~

She swiftly jumps off of your shoulder and flies on ahead of you. Following as quickly as you can you finally catch up to her and you watch her hop over to a bed of tall swamp grass and thick moss. She goes inside and you follow her once more. This time you find yourself looking down upon three hatchlings and two eggs!


~ First is a scholar female, from Citadel. After a healer female, Legtwen. And a black female, Syria. Those two are from Kalenik. After psychic male, Ahuris, from the Citadel. Lastly a pink and a teal, both females, Lasara and Floraval, from Kalenik. If you wonder where myself, Keethery and Trila came from, well we were brought here before Mini-Dragon Isle was formed~

You watch the new additions for a while and then turn and once again find Seerenth perched above you in tree.

~in case you were wondering, there currently are 38 mini dragons and 2 eggs around the lagoon. There are paths that will lead you to the others, follow them if you wish, but do not worry, you will always find a path back, be sure to read the history as well. It is information on all who live here~

~The History~

Fanning out her wings she takes to the sky, a shining silver speck on the horizon. Turning around you see diffrent paths. Each path has a small sign off to one side of it.

*Silvara, child of the stars*
Granith and Cyaanis~
Lytol and Orcana*
Cybilla and Dionella*
Neesa's Swamp*
The Animal Marsh~
Thinara and Desaria*
Z'alis and Raneeth~
StarHarvest Glade*
Faylona and Saphara~
Lagoon of Love*
Atari and Pellaeon~
Talic and Ulyn*
The WaterBugs~
~Cynic and Siado~

~*Narixil, Fen Leader*~




thank you so very much for this!


Adopt a Fen Born Mini-Dragon