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~Book of History~

Here are the stats of the mini-dragons currently in the lagoon.

Name: Trila(Tri-la)
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Colour: Purple
Species: Mini-Dragons
Powers: strong telepathic and telekinetic ability
Mate: Alake
Eggs: not yet
Alake, Trila's mate, gave her this.

Name: Keethrey(Keeth-rey)
Age: Adult
Colour: Black
Gender: Female
Species: Mini-Dragon
Mate: Looking
Powers: Empathy, and have the power to make things grow and change anyone's emotion

Name: Sereenth(Seer-re-enth)
Age: Adult
Colour: Silver
Gender: Female
Species: Mini-Dragon
Mate: Looking
Powers: Has the powers of the stars and moon

Name: Granith(Gran-ith)
Age: Adult
Colour: Green, Earth Dragon
Gender: Male
Species: Mini-Dragon
Powers: highly intelligent, cunning, earth magic and magic of life

Name: Lytol(Lye-tol)
Age: Adult
Colour: Blue and Gray
Gender: Male
Species: Weather Mini-Dragon
Powers: power to shape the weather, intelligent, very in tune with nature

Name: Silvara(Sil-var-ra)
Age: Hatchling
Colour: Teal
Gender: Female
Species: Mini-Dragon
Powers: highly intelligent, mild empath, good telepath, main power to make things grow

Name: Neesa(Nee-Sa)
Age: Adult
Colour: Purple
Gender: Female
Species: Mini-Dragon
Powers: strong telepathic and telekinetic ability

Name: Cyaanis(Cy-an-is)
Age: Adult
Colour: Burgundy
Gender: Female
Species: Mini-Dragon
Powers: Strong Rune Magick, very cunning, make rune stones, very into their powers

Name: Orcana(Or-can-a)
Age: Adult
Colour: Yellow and Black
Gender: Female
Species: Phsycic Mini-Dragon
Powers: booster to innate psychic powers for all creatures, get stronger as it gets older, shares gift with bond-mate, very close to bond-mate

Name: Cybillia(Sy-bill-li-a)
Age: Hatchling
Colour: Teal
Gender: Female
Species: Mini-Dragon
Powers: Power to make things grow, very intelligent, mild empath

Name: Dionella(Di-own-ella)
Age: Adult
Colour: Pink
Gender: Female
Species: Mini-Dragon
Powers: Very intelligent, can become invisable, can repeat anything said out loud.

All the beauties in the lagoon were adopted from MiniDragon Isle

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