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Angels and Demons - part 2

Justin´s Passion

It was a dark night in Copenhagen, Denmark. Only the stars were on the sky, the moon was black this night. Nobody really cared about this. It was Friday night, and it was on the town. People came from Copenhagen and the nearest cities to take part of the life, which was so different and great, if they looked at their daily life. The youngsters went to school, the students on high-school and both these made their hard homework if they wanted to. Some of the students also had jobs to take care off, so they were busy enough. There was the people, who worked in stores and shops, the people who used to sit on a office all day long and those who didn´t really do anything on normal days. These people garthered in Copenhagen by night, every weekend, Friday, Saturday and sometimes also Sunday. They drank and had great parties, went to the clubs and disco´s and had fun, and forgot everything about their daily life. Why care about it? Most of these people were not 30 yet.

Justin was 25 years old. He had a job and lived alone. At these nights on the town, he used to find himself a girl to bring home, take to bed and make her believe they had something. He had to experience new things very often, else he would get bored. It often happened, that the girl he found, and the girl he really liked, began to bore him in a few weeks, and he would tell her she ment nothing to her. He couldn´t have a steady relationship, and had broken many hearts in his life. He never gave the girls any thought when he had left them. Why should he? This was Justin´s life. He lived only to experience life in town Friday and Saturday night. He came to the place he used to come, and looked around. Normally he was not alone in town, he used to go there with a few friends. Now he and his friends was there, had a drink in one hand, and sat on a chair with a table and looked at the many people - and girls.
“ My oh my! Justin, go an get that girl...” Justin´s friend Toke pointed on a pretty girl. Justin had to tell Toke, that he was right about the girl. She was so sexy, he didn´t know if he´d ever seen a girl like her. She was dressed in tight, black leatherpants, a black and tight shirt without sleeves, and black boots. She danced with some guy, and her moves made Justin think about sex. He was already enchanted by her, he had to have her.
“ I gotta get her!” He said to Toke, who just laughed.
“ With such a look, don´t you think she already has a boyfriend?” Toke said, and Justin thought about it. He was right. Such a sexy girl couldn´t walk around without a boyfriend or lover. Paul, the second friend who was in town with Justin, came with a beer and placed himself by Justins other side. He was a popular guy.
“ So, found any girls?” Paul asked.
“ Kinda... see that girl, with the leather-pants? She´s damn sexy, isn´t she?” Justin said, and Paul nodded.
“ She sure is.” Paul said, and the three friends sat for awhile and looked at the girl and talked about her. They also looked at others, but the girl with the leather-pants was the one they liked best. She, and the guy she danced with, turned, so her face was against Justin, Toke and Paul. Justin felt something strange, that he already knew her. Impossible, he had never known such a girl. She whispered something in the guy´s ear, and then she left him and went to the bar, to have a drink. The friends looked at each other, and then they went after her. Justin placed himself beside the girl, and she looked at him.
“ I knew you´d seen me. I like the way you stare. Wanna dance later?” She said, and Justin felt like somebody just kicked him. He was chocked.
“ Sure... I already feel like I know you.” He said, and she smiled mysteriously.
“ Perhaps you do, sexy. Perhaps you do...” She took her drink and disappeared between the many people. Justin looked at Toke and Paul. They looked just as chocked as himself.
“ What did she say?!” Toke asked, and Justin just smiled.
“ She asked if I wanted to dance later.” He said, and Paul clapped him on the shoulder.
"Did you get a name?” He asked, and Justin thought about it. Why didn´t he ask her what her name was.
“ No, I didn´t! Damn... well, I´ll get that later on.” Justin and his friends went back to the place they sat before. He couldn´t stop thinking about her. What was it about her? He felt he had seen her before, he knew her in some strange way. He couldn´t understand how or why. On one side she seemed familiar, and on the other hand she was not like any girl he ever saw before. He was a way in his thoughts for quite a while. Suddenly she stood right before him. Took his hand and they was on the dancefloor. Justin didn´t hear the music, he saw the girl and her eyes. There was a strange glow in them, like she was supernatural.
“ So... do you like me?” She asked, and he woke up from his dreams. Her arms were all around him. “ I sure do... but tell me, what is your name, pretty?” He couldn´t understand why he felt like he did. He wasn´t even sure how he felt at all.
“ Thana... like the greek god, Thanatos.” She said, and he nodded.
“ What kind of god was he?” Justin asked.
“ One of the many gods, who ruled the night and death.” Thana smiled her mysterious smile again, and kissed Justins neck. He just wanted to get out of the club, to his bed with Thana. She asked something, but he didn´t hear it. Just said ‘yes, I feel the same way’, without knowing what she said. Then she was gone. He looked around. Where did she go? She came back before he started looking. She had a jacket on her now, very sexy still. Made her look very sexy. She took his hand and they went outside. They went to his home. To his bed, just like he wanted to. Oh, he couldn´t wait at all.
“ What are you doing to me? Who are you?” He asked, but she just smiled.
“ You´ll find out very soon, Justin. Just wait, and don´t think.” She said, and he did like she told him to do. Didn´t think about himself at all, he would do anything for this girl.

Justin did not think about anything else but pleasing Thana. She was so sexy and cute, and mysterious, and attractive. She had seduced him, like had done with so many girls before, but now he was not the seducing person, he was the seducted, and he didn´t know it. He knew and didn´t knew Thana. It was all so strange and the strangeness in it all seduced him.
“ Thana... I will be your servant forever...” He said. Thana sat across him and held him down. She was not naked yet, but he was. Thana still had her leatherpants on, and her brah, and it made her look so sexy. He couldn´t understand it.
“ My dear Justin, you already are... and very soon, you are nothing but a soul in the night...” She said, and leaned down to his face, and covered him with kisses. He could not do anything, he was captured, and he enjoyed it. What a life he would get with this girl. But Thana was not only named after the greek god, Thanatos. Justin did not give it one thought, the things she told him. She raised from the bed, and lit some candles, and turned out all electrical light in the room. Again she placed herself above him. Again she covered his face and neck with kisses, and he was so turned on, just wanted to have her right now. She didn´t ask what she could and couldn´t do to him, she did what she wanted. She bit him, and he loved it. Didn´t notice, that she had bitten through his skin. Thana was not a vampire though. She just kissed and bit him, and went longer down his body. Still biting and kissing him. That was when he screamed. She had got down to his sex, and she bit him. Very hard. He screamed, but she didn´t care.
“ That was for all the girls you defeated my friend.” She came up along the body again, and kissed him hard on his mouth. He couldn´t talk, he just wanted to scream even more. The god of night and death. She killed him with her kiss. She kissed him so long, that he couldn´t breathe, and sucked the last life out of him with a kiss. He was dead now, and she smiled and looked at her work. She knew he deserved this, ´cause he´d break so many hearts and defeated so many girls.
“ Goodnight, Justin... this was for defeating me! You may not know it, but Thana is more than just a name. I rule the night and the death. You don´t defeat me. Just don´t. You were so stupid, you know that? Well... you are my servant forever. I own your soul now, and I will send it straight to hell! I am a demon. If you had listened to me, you might still be alive. You could fear me, or love me, and do what you wanted, and I would have been yours forever. You chose not to. Well, that´s just too bad, isn´t it. Goodnight, my sweet prince. May you sleep well in hell!” Thana left a few coins at the body, and then she opened to window and jumped out into the night again. She was a demon.

“ I´ll never be an angel, I´ll never be a saint, you know it´s true. I´m too busy surviving. Whether it´s heaven or hell, I´m gonna be living to tell... that is my story. No risk, no glory. So here´s my question; Does your criticism have you caught up in, what you cannot see? Well, if you give me respect, then you´ll know what to expect...” Madonna, Survival.

written by Atrice, May 14th, 2000

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