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Elizabeth Bathory

Her story begins in 1560, when she was born. The place was the Karphats. She was by a famous “breed” already back then, the Bathory-family, a family of counts. Her childhood was lonely, and she was sorrounded by elder servants, who could tell about the supersticion. Since her childhood she knew about the occult beliefs, and knew about werewolfes, ghosts, spirits and monsters. Back then every little village still had a witch. As a child, Elizabeth was already very beautiful, and spent a lot of time in front of the mirror. Her beauty gave her many wooers, and it ended with a certain count Ferencz, from Hungary. She was 11 years old when she got engaged with him. She was now moved to his castle, more lonely than the one she just came from. The count was often away, and she (again) spent a lot of time alone. When her husband came home, he had wonderful gifts with him to her. When her husband was out on, what was to become his last warcruise, the final change happened with Elizabeth. One day a maiden, who was to style Elizabeth´s hair, pulled a little too hard in the hair, and the countess beat her once, so hard, that blood came out on Elizabeths hands and face. When she removed the blood, she saw, that the skin was much more smooth, white and beautiful, where the blood had been.

From that day her life changed. Elizabeth was scared to loose her beauty, and understood, that the blood could keep her young and beautiful. Three of her servants helped with her new idea. In the beginning, it wasn´t that bad. In secret they killed a victim, and took blood from this, which Elizabeth now could have a bath in. Later it became much wose. Young maidens was lured to the castle, where they were kept in a week without food and drink. Now the girls could be used to take blood from. For an excample, they were tied very hard and beaten, so the blood flushed. Another servant would cut and prinkle the girl. The the countess would rip the skin off the girl, and she could now enjoy herself with the blood, which should make her younger. A special cage was made, which hang from the cieling and could be taken up and down. It was formed as a cylinder, and there were huge, turned in, spears on the inside. Here an undressed girl were placed, and the cage was taken up in the air. The servants would now prinkle the girl, and when she would avoid the prinkles, she would spear herself on the huge spears. Then Elizabeth could stand underneath the cage and have a shower in blood.
Of course it came to an end. They had troubles with hiding the bodies, and one day people found some bodies down the hill where the castle were. Elizabeth was captured and put in a trial, which set her destiny. She was put in a tower, without light at all (not even from the sun, no windows), and the food was brought to her through a small opening in the wall. She lived here in 4 years, before she at last died in 1614. She had killed at least 650 young maidens only for the blood.

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