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Vampires in other languages

Dracula says welcome to the vampires from all the world...

You are maybe not only talkinī/reading english, and if you donīt know, what a vampire is called in your language, you might find it here... not all are here, but some;

African: Asabonsam, obayifo, impundulu

Arabian: Afrit

Australian: Yara-ma-yha-who

Bosnian: Lampir

Chinese: Chiang-Shih

Danish: Vampyr

French: Melusine, Lamiai

German: Nachtzehrer

Hungarian: Liderc

Indian: Kali (kali mar)

Italian: Vampiri

Japanese: Kappa

Romanian: Strigio, vamphyri, nosferatu, moroi, Dracula

Russian: Uppyr, Obiri or Obyri

Spanish: Vampiro

Scandinavian: Mara

Brazilian: Jaracacus

If you know any other names for vampire in your country, please send me an e-mail and tell it to me...

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