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My Short Stories

I write a lot, I have also written a book... and trying to write a book about the vampire Atrice... that was how I came up with the name, for a book. I will publice some of my short stories and some poery on this page, and you can then write me and tell me what you think.

Perhaps you can send me your stories and poems (in english of course) and Iīll put them on this site... I would like to have publised my stories and poems, and Iīm sure, that a lot of other people feel the same...

Darkside Theatre - a short story about a theatre, performing the dark sides of human nature

Crystal Moonlight - a poem written by Cryptica, about the beautiful night and moonlight.

Surviving - a poem written by me some time ago

The Night - a poem written by me

Castle of Fangs - a story written by Gary Morton, it is very long, but also good

A Vampire's Sorrow - A short poem about a Vampire who is alone and how he despises what he has become

Vampric - a poem written by Kaija

Angels and Demons - short stories series

Thanaīs Creation - the first story. About how an angel can become a demon, and about Heaven and Hell.

Justinīs Passion - continued from the first. About how oneīs passion can become oneīs death.

Camilia - lost love - how Thana help a girl named Camilia to get revenge over her last boyfriend

The 6 Gates - What happened to Justin after he died? Find out some of it here...

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