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Banners for the webring

Well just waiting for those members to grow
Since this webring is pretty new and this site is as well. I started this ring on March 6th 98. So that's how new it is to me right now. Okay this is all the banners I have for now, and I have all the html fragments for it too. So if you want to join the ring, submit yourself to the queue and I'll check out your site and decide to add you or not. If you are added you can ask for any one of these banners to be put onto your page and I'll email you the fragment for it. Later on I'll have the fragments posted up.

For the webrinlogo2.jpg, the empty part in the middle is for you to put in any logo you want in there. And all you have to do to make it a link is get the coords and look at the html code to understand where to put it.

That's all for now come back in 2 weeks I'll have more. Most of these logos go best with black backgrounds or dark ones. I will have some made for white backgrounds soon too. Right now I'm still figuring out that funny thing called transparency.

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Webring Homepage
