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Bundles of thank you's go to..

..all these people who have contributed in some way, shape or form. Thank you for everything!

James - Deranged Diction info
Peter Meng - Pearl Jam Bass Tabs
Stephen Seighman - Jeff Ament art and words
Maia - Jeff Ament art
Paul Glass - Three Fish Review
Jason Wyse - Three Fish Review
Francis Bedros - Three Fish Review
Isaac Powell - Three Fish Review & Photos
Smak - Three Fish Review
Marilyn (JWehler@aol.com) - Three Fish Review
Victoria (VWegman@aol.com) - Three Fish Review
Basschick - Three Fish Review
Marina - Inspired by Jeff words
Heather - Artwork
Jill - In Thin Air lyrics
Yehudah Fine
Jessica from Tickle My Nausea Fanzine
Alex Ross the man of words
Roach - Fan Story
Roxane Grenier - Pictures
Matt Whittle - Tabs
Phil Sherry - Technical brilliance and bass info
Mark Fernandez - Pictures
JeffDisciple - Articles, pictures
J.B. - Bass info, Articles
Mónica (Sunshower) - Books, postcard transcript
Jezabel Woman - Art and Books
Glen Adams - Bass info
Lindsay Eaves - Photograph
Ilno - Pictures
Nick Key - Tabs
Justin Clark - Tabs
Mike Lamberti - Tabs
Cory Schuster - Tabs
Jonas Marksell - Tabs
Mark Linwood - Tabs
Freddy Desposorio - Tabs
Steve Matthes - Bass info

I would like to say a big thanks to people who have sent me encouraging emails. It's all appreciated. Get involved!

And of course to Jeff Ament.