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Jasmine's Creative Writing Assignment:
The Dialogue Exercise: Use your transcribed conversation in a scene between characters. Make the dialogue meaningful (You can make whatever changes are necessary to create "sense") -- developing character and setting up conflict. Try to also establish mood and atmosphere. Observe the rules of punctuation and conventions with credit tags.

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With a gleam in her eye, Sara grabbed my forearem and pulled me aside. "Did Mr. Brumm say 'The die is cast' in your class today?" she whispered in my ear.

"Yes," I said slowly.

"Well, me and Mary have decided to say 'The die is cast' all through lunch to annoy Karen, " Sara said.

"What? What?! No secrets, guys!" Karen burst into our huddle, flapping her arms.

"Oh, nothing," Sara said evasively.

Karen sank onto the lunch table bench and moaned, "I hate you soooo much!"

"You hate me so much?" Sara feigned shock. "Well, it doesn't matter cuz the die is cast."

"What?!" Karen shouted.

Mary approached the lunch table, her face red form gym class and slung her duffel bag on the floor. Seeing her, Sara whipped aorund and said, "Mary, the die is cast!"

"What the heck does that mean?! No! No! No!" Karen slumped face down on the lunch table in a defeated heap.

"Give me some damn Macaroni and Cheese," Meg demanded to Sara, oblivious to Karen's plight.

"Meeeeg," Karen whined, "What does 'the die is cast' mean?"

"Well, it means the deed is done, it's up in the air, you don't what's going to happen," Meg explained.

"Meg!" Sara complained. Karen shot Sara a look of disgust.

Phoebe, who had been finishing up a worksheet due next hour suddenly looked up. "What does 'the die is cast' mean?" she asked.

The comments by Jasmine's classmates:

Ben W. (aka "Casper is an old and senile man.") -- Very good punctuation!!! This scene shows me that Karen's friends don't really like her all that much. The conflict I see is the annoyance of Karen towards her friends....

Annie S. -- This sketch describes a joking situation for the most of the group, a really tense situation for Karen...

Anneliese S. -- I get the feeling that Karen is one of those "friends" that everyone has, and no one really likes; Am I right?...

Karen really loved the last comment. Heh.