Sara breaths deeply, inhaling the fresh scent of dew on the grass and the remnants of the foggy early morning drizzle, not wanting to forget a single detail. She shuffles along the sidewalk, glad to be rid of the car that restricted her, overseeing the collection of water droplets on her freshly polished docs. She holds the straps of her backpack, fearing needlessly that the backpack would unravel and fall, spilling the important, carefully selected and immacuately packed contents and foiling the entire plan.
She carefully places a perfectly knotted shoe onto each step, so as to not fall and make herself look like a fool on this ever-so important day and climbs slowly up the flight of stairs. At the top she looks behind her, surveying the land from the perspective that from this day forward her life shall be immensely changed.
She places her left hand with the opal ring onto the doorknob, pausing slightly to calm herself towards her growing excitement, and opens the door and steps inside the main entrance of the school.
Having all the materials she would need for her quite short school day, she immediately turns right, walking down the practically deserted hallway. She looks to the side and is slightly taken aback that her first stop--a friend who usually sits at the edge of the hall--was not present. She glances at her gray timex watch as an apprehensive frown crosses her face. She studies the time, quickly calculating the suddenly swift, potentially disastrious, change in her plan as she continues down the hall. she makes up her mind and decides that a few minutes's difference shouldn't have *too* much of an effect. she carefully steps down the first half-staircase and pauses at the landing. Out of sight from either hallway, she takes the brief moments to collect her thoughts before her plan went into action. she smoothed her shirt, mentally checked for the thousandth time that she had each and every apperatus needed and composed herself. she made her face which had previously been blank with anticipation into a grin and made sure she remembered the topics that she had spent months agonizing over. then she let go of her backpack straps and continued down the stairs, clearing her throat as she stepped off the last stair and turned right, spying her first task.
"Hey!" she calls to her friend, Karen, who was already seated at the immediate right of her locker.
Karen looks up and sees the smiling, flushed face of Sara, and replies with a slightly less energetic greeting. Sara sits next to Karen and dives right in, remembering each and every topic perfectly.
A moment later, Kathy shows up. in the middle of a sentence that was starting a new topic, sara greets kathy and, knowing that she should talk a bit faster to make up for lost time, quickly briefs her on the new topic on hand.
The minutes fly by and Mary, Meg and Phoebe all show up. They are all slightly amused, as Sara seldom speaks this much and this quickly. Fearing that they'll think that something's up, she starts talking slower.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, Jasmine sits down and greets the bunch with a simple "hi guys." Seeing her and finally putting to rest Sara's fear of "what if she's not here?," Sara stops speaking mid-sentence. Her fingers begin to itch and she has to control herself from putting her plan into action early, which would have definite disastrous results.
Slightly curious at Sara's sudden lull, Karen glances at her before giving Jasmine a detailed account of what Sara's been doing. Sara regains her composure and uses every ounce of willpower to act as normally as possible towards Jasmine and finish up her conversation.
The bell rings, sending everyone upwards. For a brief panicked second, Sara feared that her backpack was missing, but then she spied it and scooped it up protectively. Phoebe was waiting for her to go to art metal, and everyone else was scattering. "Bye guys," Sara calls over her shoulder and follows Phoebe to class.
After Sara and Phoebe had set up their sawing stations, they started working. Sara, who was normally quite talkative during class, remained silent, waiting tensely for what she felt would be the perfect moment. She had already determined, of course, that the 'perfect moment' would be at exactly 8:56 am.
Sensing that Phoebe was wondering about her quietness, she started to talk. She made some joke about a canary and Phoebe laughed her "ta-heehee" laugh, when Sara noticed the time. It was 8:54 am.
Excusing herself quietly from Phoebe, Sara picked up her backpack and took the classroom pass on the premise of using the restroom. No one noticed that she was leaving, except for Phoebe, as this was a priveledge. And Sara was about to abuse it in the worst possible way.
Walking down the 1st floor hallway, Sara's pace quickened as she neared Jasmine's first hour class-- pre-calculus, with Karen. Sara checked her watch. She'd have to hurry, it was 8:55.32. She quickly set her backpack and the pass on the ground. Kneeling next to the opened backpack, she pulled out the 3 1/2' long 1/2" white rope, the 5' long green twine with a loop tied in it with a slipknot, the large piece of metal, and the hacksaw and gathered it into her right arm.
At the exact moment that her watch turned to 8:56 am, Sara grasped the doorknob with her slightly damp left hand and flung the door open. The students turned around in unison, with Karen and Jasmine being more surprised and perplexed than the rest. Sara doesn't pause and runs into the room screaming "AAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
She runs to Jasmine and hits her on the side of the head with the large sheet of metal. Jasmine is not unconsious, but cannot think clearly and cannot put up a fight. She slumps in her seat and moans "Sara? Karen? where...what...?" Sara quickly throws the loop around her neck and pulls it tight and drags Jasmine out of the room and down the hall, into an empty classroom. astonished, Karen runs after her and Sara, expecting this, but not hoping for it, is forced to tie the white rope around Karen's neck until Karen turns blue. Jasmine's face is now past blue, and is a listless pale purple-yellow. Sara didn't want to, but Sara is forced to do the dismembering in the room, with 1/2 the pre calc class searching for their two lost students.
Sara begins by sawing off Jasmine's legs at the knees, and then her arms, first at the elbows, then at the shoulders. sara laffs gleefully, and the last words Jasmine hears is "hahaha...that was the LAST TIME you'll say that *I* stink poop!" and then Jasmine dies as her head is removed from her body.
Sara looks at Karen with pity, and decides that since Karen never said that Sara stunk poop*, she would let her live. using the fold-up scissors that were stuck in her back pocket, she cut the rope around Karen's neck, leaving her unconsious, but alive, as she could already hear her breathing shallowly. Sara used her shirt to wipe off the hacksaw handle and anything else she touched. She peeled off her sweatshirt that was covered in blood and opened a window to climb out of. She was halfway down the road when she heard the anguished screams of the just-awoken Karen as she saw Jasmine's torso, head, lower legs, upper arms and lower arms scattered around her. She screamed louder when she realized, by Jasmine's glassy opened eyes, that she was dead. She screamed louder still when she realized that it was Sara who did it.
They never caught Sara, and Karen never saw her again. She had nightmares about that awful scene until she was 38 and died of a ruptured appendix.