1. Karen's supposed evil twin.
2. I don't think I'm at liberty to say.
3. A fictional character of Jasmine's.
4. The people that hang out on Van Hise have a certain, uh, reputation.
5. Heh.."A Time To Kill".. Karen and I were watching this once, in an incredibly hyper mood. We'd pause it at random times, and at one point,
Matthew McC-whatever had a sad/disappointed look on his face.. we decided that it was because no one would play with him.
6. Jasmine has a slight annoyance to Gabe, who apparently owes her two bus passes from a couple years ago.
7. My shoes, of course.
8. Jasmine's shoes.
9. The car simulators in driver's ed would give you a percentage after every session. 63% is, well.. not all that great.
10. Once, riding her bike home from my house, Karen fell off of it. Karen broke her elbow. When she relayed the story it somehow got confused; people thought that Karen had been walking her bike, and fractured it then.
11. Jasmine and Phoebe once found a lost wallet at a park. Well, they thought it was discarded, until the owners showed up. Heehee.
12. Herbie and Marlene were my fish. This actually happened to me; just substitute my parents for the fish, and Phoebe's carphone for the Fillingames.
13. Also a true happening; just make it my mother who was tapping on the window, Meg who screamed, and Karen who saw her own reflection and dived off of my bed. I went and turned the light on. (-:
14. When I saw My Best Friend's Wedding, I was convinced that at the end, George was saying that he had "moves like a jungle carrot." i later found out that it was, in fact,
"moves like a jungle cat"