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By Phoebe

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Phoebe had been noticing little weird things-like why had karen's pervious spotless and sparkling grades gone from all A's to all D's. She seemed not to care about anything anymore but eating pizza and being popular. Why had the little dream of sara, jasmine, and her killing and copping up karen seemed so real-but when she brought it up around sara would insist that it was only a dream. She felt manipulated-and how could sara, jasmine and her all have the exact same dream! And why did they all have no recollection of what happened on Halloween?

Phoebe felt distant from her at one time twinkle twin1-but she was growing ever closer to jasmine - jasmine had been having the exact same questions swimming and zipping though her mind. So phoebe and jasmine decided to leave little ol Madison.

Before jasmine and phoebe had a chance to breakaway from sara's grip(they knew that sara had something up her sleeve they just did not know what) sara came knocking at there doors like a raven and lbund out thought their parents that the two had planned to go to California were jasmine could engross herself in the study of cuttlefish and phoebe could start her career as a photographer/cinematographer. Sara showed up at the Chicago airport dragging karen behind her. She calmly flounced up to the two and said gazing into their eyes you are coming back to Madison now! At first they were captured by God knows what and were about to agree with sara when jasmines "friend" Leonard and phoebe's friend Stu who had going to go to California with them taped them on their shoulder and said simultaneously we had better board the plane or we'll miss it". At that very moment sara knew that she would have to get sue's help if she were going to stop them-there was no way she could manipulate 5 people all by herself when it was not Halloween-so sara left karen spouting to some guy about something stupid and went to find Sue.

on the other hand-she could not just let those four just leave to Cal without her-as a last resort she bought a suitcase and crammed karen into it, then she used her powers on a first class passengcr and got a free ride on the plane. She picked up karen(as luggage)when she got to Ca. Than she jumped into a cab and said the phrase she as always wanted to "follow that car! !" Of course Leonard had a yellow convertible bug waiting at the airport for him and jasmine-while phoebe and Stu drove phoebe's little green (non convertible) bug. Sara know knew where they lived-she had found Sue and told her the whole story- Sue was not impressed. So she told sara to...

She told sara to tell them the "truth". The truth was that karen had a mental breakdown and for a small period in her life karen had to throw it all away and become a bubble head. But that know karcn was fine and was in summer school getting straight A's. In order for sara to give karcn back her full mental powers she would have to work with Sue and fast betbre anyone else got to the karen heads on the tree-it would not work unless they had all the karen heads were put together and sliced up into mushy matter that the man she secretly admired had to mold into a shape that looked like karen. Well everyone in the universe knew who karen liked-Lennard of course-. So off Sue and sara went back to Madison to pick all the karen apples, but when they got there there were only 48 not the 49 they needed(they were only missing one because one turned into a full size karen and is in sara's suitcase) who took the missing apple?!? While sara hadn't a clue Sue knew exactly who took it-her secretly admirer-James or better known as khaki2. So off'they went. They waited for the early morning hours when they knew that he would be out of the house with his friends. They creeped up the staircase turned around the corner into the room and opened the door to his room!! Moments before Sue griped the doorhandle and threw the door open sara tapped her on the shoulder and told her to wait a second "wait a second will'ya Sue"!?! She put her fingers to her face and gently pulled and eyelash for her eyelid/were she than blew on it and wished that they could successfully acquire the last of the karen apple heads. She than told Sue it was a.o.k, to keep going. Lucky was on their side for even though sara proceeded in making as much noise as possible while still trying not to make any noise at all!! Finally after noticing all that were in khaki's clothing drawers were khaki pants and polo shirts, Sue told sara to look in the other rooms of the house. Sara after searching for hours found a small room in the basement that was a small shine to karen.3 Yes, karen posters pictures and recordings of all those whyso consorts that she was always trying to get people to go to. And there standing in the corner was a huge apple karen in the corner of the room gobbling up pizza box alier pizza box of pizza pies!! Sara (knowing karen's favorite kind of pizza - mushroom Gumbys) and lured her out of the house just as khaki arrived in his covet pulled up. But there was nothing he could do know sara and Sue were in there car. But man khaki's was surely going to try to catch up. And like thc terminator in terminator 2 he run at the speed of a car going 30 mph. He reached and just barely grasped the bumper and tried to pull himself onto the truck. But sara being an expert case and run driver that she is made the sharpest turn that the car could make without turning over. Of course khaki's fell straight off swearing and cursing like all hell.

Yet again sara and Sue saw the sun soaked beaches of California. With Sue dragging on karen in a suitcase and sara towing along with the other. Finally they reached the house were Lennard lived with jasmine, phoebe, and Stu. As to be expected in stories Lennard was at home by himself-phoebe, jasmine and Stu picking out furniture for the new house(just like in friends)-they picked the lock and Sue told sara to use Lennard as more practice for more of her mind power build up. So sara went to the door and he answered and she got him to cut up all the karen's into little tiny ity bity mushy peaces. Than right when he started to form the mushy mass into something the resembled a human jasmine, phoebe and Stu came jostling in.

Tune in next week when someone else will be writing something different and elaborating on what I have just written.
