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A Servant's Chamber

Hi welcome to site. It's not much, but then, I kind of like simple. My name is D.J. Martinez, and yes I am a servant of the True and Living God. I am a freshman at East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, TX. My page isn't going to be too much for a while because I'm gonna be busy with my classes and all. So use what's here and when I get some more time to work on it I will. I am going to try to get some more links up on my link page and some more verses on my scripture page. But again that will be a little while. I love Christian Rock/Alternative music like Third Day, Plumb, Jars of Clay and Christian Ska, like Suppertones, Afewloosescrews, Five Iron Freenzy). I've got ICQ and my number is 9120278, so look me up, I'd love to meet you talk to you.
Oh yeah, that's my ugly mug right below there(if you want some real mug shots of me click on me. But hey, I'm just an ordinary person, nothing really special about me except for the fact that the Almighty God loves me! Do you know what, He loves you to and He disires to have a personal relationship with you. Isn't that wonderful to know, that God loves you and wants to get to know you on a personal basis? Like I said before, I am just a simple servant, that is what God has called me to be. Will you make Him the Lord of your life today? I promise, you will never regret making that decision, because it's really awesome being a servant of the True and Living God!

I love Christian Music, as you can see, and I've got a link to a great place to buy Chistian Music. Go here to check it out.
My Links Page. Go to have fun!
My Quiz Bowl Page.

Hey if you would like to chat with me, go here .

For some more of my photos click on me.

I said that I was a servant of God, what about you? Do you have a personal relationship with the man who died on a cross to pardon you of your sins? Do you know Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Read this verse and take it to heart for it sums up what the entire gospel of Jesus Christ says: "God loved the world so much that He sent His one and only Son that whoever beleives in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16" That's right, God gave His only son for you that you may be saved. For more scriptures about salvation, go here.

[Links |Quiz Bowl| Pics |Scripture|Music Force]

Last Updated 2/15/00