U Guyz Need Any Help Understandin' Us Chickies?

'k, u guys want some ideas 'bout what u can do for us girls? First, u gotta understand that these are only one chica's opinion on da whole matta. But I have learned a lot talkin' to da rest of my friends...and I think dat there may be at least one suggestion dat u yourself can take into consideration.

  1. Da majority of u do not need a whole bottle of gel incorporated into your hair every day. We actually like to be able to run our fingers thru your hair, not have it stickin' to your 'do as soon as our hands come into contact wit your head. U all may not know this, but most of u look really great au naturel...it's really sexy. So take it easy on da mousse and otha products, 'k?

  2. U a little short on cash? U really don't need to spend wads of dough on us. Just a lil thinkin' on your part and we're all yours. Wanna buy her flowers? Go get a pack of flower seeds or a lil tree instead. Tell her dat u wanna plant them togetha so da 2 of u can watch it grow just like your luv for one anotha. A really sweet gesture, and I promise u she'll luv it.

  3. Be spontaneous. Lil surprises are what keep da fire ragin'. And don't be afraid to show how crazy u are 'bout her.

  4. Listen. If she really luvs u she'll always try to be there for u wheneva u're down...try to do da same for her.

  5. Sing. We absolutely die when we're bein' serenaded, it don't matta if u're outta tune or not. It's da thought dat counts. (Eva hear dat one before?) But if u're really shy 'bout your vocal ability, make a tape of songs dat make u think of her...she'll melt.

  6. Shave. Now I don't mean to say dat u guys don't look good wit your goatees and stuff...actually, some of u are sooo sexy in facial hair! But what I mean to say is: If u wanna get close to da girl u're gonna probably (note: probably) hafta shave da facial hair. It shows u really care...u have no idea how uncomfy it is to brush against your stubble and stuff.

  7. Hug...and hug often. We luv bein' squeezed senseless. Don't be afraid of a lil PDA in front of your friends.

  8. Display your mad cookin' skillz. Make her go wild ova some cookies, or if u're real good u can totally win her over wit some divine cheesecake. Or maybe u make unbelievable pasta...whateva your thang is, show her u can give good love by givin' her good food *giggles* she'll adore u for it.

  9. NO MIND GAMES! (Sorry...real sore spot, here.) U like her, u don't...jus' tell her for real! Honestly, some of u guys out there are horrible for dat.

Well, this is an ongoin' list, too, just like everythin' else here at my site...it'll get longer, I swear to u. And, if any of u wanna give me some tips to add to this list, jus' email me at da addy below and I'll be sure to put it in. (If u want recognition for da suggestion dat can be arranged, too.)

See more "stimulatin'" ideas for both sexes!

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Email: lbalagta@ucalgary.ca