Check out da funky pages my friendz have made! Real kewl stuff! Please note, these links aren't in any order of importance...jus' in da order of when I got permission, etc. to link them up.

Mandi's Spiffy HomePage
Mandi's new page!

SweetGal's Place
A stylin' hyper Savage Garden fan

·Vمرnثs§ه's Plل¥grشüرً·
Same mad site

J n Y
John's page is now a dedication to his life wit his girl.

Joe's Homepage
Anotha Flip guy...Some South Park stuff here

Wyze_1's Hip-Hop 101
A nice guy dat I know from back when I was a lil kid. I'm not sure what's goin' on wit his site right now, I think it's bein' renovated.

Marlianna's Crib
A mad kewl girl...check out her stuff!

On Tha Downlow
One supa kewl guy from Calgary *gasp* They DO exist! *giggles*

Lil Loca
An amazing, deep site made by Leisa.

Incredible Nsync
My friend, Mel's, highly snazzy page dedicated to NSync. Yes, she's made me into an NSync convert *s*

Curtis' Slayers Page
An old friend addicted to anime.

take me back to your page 'cuz i love yours betta! (*gigglez*)
Otha pages