Ok, this could be a long course, prepare yourself to be occupied the whole semester!
I'm a 5'5" Filipina girl. (People will try and convince u that I'm actually 5'7" but don't listen to them! I used to think I was 5'6" but I'm 5'5", end of discussion.) I was born in Calgary, Alberta Canada...that means I'm not a FOB, not that it's necessarily a bad thing to be a FOB. Astrologically speakin', I'm an Aries (March 26) born in the Chinese Year of the Sheep. My initials spell LAMB. (Anyone else see a trend here? Aries the Ram, Year of the Sheep, LAMB...just checkin'.) Oh yeah, I'm a shopping FIEND! Ask anyone, I pretty much NEED to buy somethin' almost every day. I'm a graduate of the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and a minor in Management in Society. Initially I wanted to join the Faculty of Management so I could get a Bachelor of Commerce degree but fate derailed me off that course and into Economics. Presently, I'm attending SAIT, taking their fabulous Travel Counselling program. It has no real significant relationship to my Economics degree...but it's something I know I'll enjoy. I'm sure I'll be able to apply my economics knowledge in the tourism field from time to time. I also hope to own my own niteclub someday...revolutionize the whole Calgary nite scene.
Ok, maybe u're in the Calgary area and u want to get a feel for what my world is like. So what makes up my world? Other than my friends' houses as well as my own ('cuz u don't really have access to those places) there are quite a few places where I like to go. My fave club as of this moment is Metro (www.metrocalgary.com). Friday nites is when u'll usually find me there, it used to be practically every week, now it's more like every month or so. A regular place where me and my friends used to go to dance and stuff was the Purple Turtle 'cuz it was jus' so easy to get to. Alas, now it has become NV. I've yet to check out NV, but I have a feelin' it won't be the same. They've also taken down Mingles, yet another niteclub of my youth. I feel like my "young" memories are being eradicated...even Southcentre and Chinook Centre have been redone beyond past recognition. Anyways, Metro...that's where I used to be, but I haven't been there in a while. A great place where I was a few times this past summer is the Roxy (www.roxynightlife.com) That tends to bring in an older crowd and the more often I go clubbing now, the more I dislike being amidst little 18 year old posers and hoochies. I've also seen and liked The Taz (www.thetaz.com) but it's QUITE the junior bar...very 18 year old poser/hoochie central, Bermuda Triangle, Venum, and I suppose Gotham as well. (Update: rumor has it that neither Venum nor Gotham are no longer in existence. I've yet to look into it.) I'd like to take a peek at Bourbon Street, Pandemonium, Cherry Lounge, Schank's North, Fox & Firkin North, the Embassy, Capital, and even the Field. Schank's is a really fun place. I love to eat at the Cheesecake Cafe and of course I adore Starbucks! Jack Astor's is another favorite restaurant of mine, as is East Side Mario's. You can't go wrong with the White Chocolate Brownie at Moxie's or the Mexican Mudslide at Kelsey's! But my big addiction is the Iced Creme Brulee Ristretto at Second Cup. I work at Chinook Centre selling ladies fashion at Reitmans as well as accessories for The Bay (gotta work the discount advantage, u know). It works out well since I love buying clothes and discussing new trends and such with the customers and my coworkers. (Recall, I love to shop.) I used to sell Beanie Babies at Chinook, another obsession of mine. I have almost 60 of them. My fave color is blue. And I also adore silver, black, grey, turquoise, yellow, hot pink, and a passionate red. I am obsessed with nail polish...I have 'bout 30 bottles of the stuff. The crazy thing is, I buy and buy bottles, yet I rarely ever do my nails anymore. Bubbles are kewl, they're magical. Sometimes when I'm takin' public transit home I pull out my bottle of bubbles and I let some float in the bus. The smiles that appear on the tired people's faces is soooo worth it. And it also cheers up cryin' children...they luv the stuff! I can speak a bit of French (studied it for 11 years, still a little rusty) and learned a lil Spanish in university. As for my parents' native tongue (Tagalog) I can kind of understand it but I certainly cannot speak it. I love to go out dancin', watch movies, drink all sorts of coffee, and I luv ice cream. I don't smoke (I've never lit up in my life) and I'll never try any recreational drugs...which leads to how I get my natural high (other than coffee)...I adore amusement parks, any rides that cause me to scream are my faves. (If u ever get to go to Disney World, check out the Alien Encounter at Tomorrowland...I screamed so much in there, and u don't even move!) I eat the cookie part of the Oreo (read my little "Wanted" ad for more info on that). I like to play volleyball recreationally and I definitely luv music.
Back in high school I played the Alto Saxophone and sang and danced in the school's Concert/Show choir. (Bishop Grandin is the best high school that ever existed.) I was an Alto in the choir. I also took piano lessons for like 5 years...but I still play the piano for fun. Music is definitely major in my life...but never ever ask me to sing for u. Very few have heard me sing (my choir director and my best friend and a few people who've tricked me into it.) Not even my family has heard me sing on my own. I'm usually very shy, although it may not seem like it right now.
Hmm...what else? My fave shows are Friends, Powerpuff Girls, and Ally McBeal. I watch other things, too, but these are the only 3 that I watch devotedly. On occasion, I like to watch the Japanese cartoons like Sailor Moon and Pokemon. I like all sorts of music except for country, but my faves are RnB and dance music. Boyz II Men is like one of my absolute fave music groups.
As for my religion, I'm a Roman Catholic girl. As for family, I live with my parents, my lil bro, my baby sis, and my grandma. As for pets, we have 2 budgies; Babe and Fly. At one point we had 3 turtles; Peekaboo, Migotch, and Spike. I loved them to pieces, but we had to give them up. I hate snakes, spiders, and cockroaches. I'd love to own a hedgehog and a dog someday.