Alex - Hey boy! U're such a great guy! *hugz* I hope we get to share some cheesecake together someday. *s* Don't be workin' out too hard 'cuz u know I don't want u gettin' hurt..."your pain is my pain." Well, I'll always be your friend, no matter what. I'm glad I got da chance to know u. Good luck with everythin' u do, Mr. Sugar Bear.
Amy - Hey Amy, soooo sorry I neglected u on this page earlier! *hugz* Take care and keep in touch!
Angie - U're amazin' girl...don't ever change! Only a few more years until u become another "married friend." Eek! Scary! *hugz* Good luck with all the plans.
AnneMarie - I'm still jealous ova how much betta your legs look compared to mine! Someday we hafta get togetha again at dat playground by Anderson station, dat was great! *hugs*
Archie - Hey there, u're a great guy...I'm so happy we're friends. *hugs* I still can't get ova da coincidence dat u go to my daddy's old school!
Cara - 15 years and we're still close friends...we're amazin'. *hugs* I wish u all da best, keep lookin' up to those stars! I still gotta meet your new guy sometime, gettin' pretty serious, huh?
Celine - Hey u, I miss our old choir days sooo much. *hugs* We hafta get togetha again sometime...let's keep in touch.
Chris - Oh wow, kuya Cooper, u've been a part of my life for 20 of my years on this planet. No doubt u're most definitely like a big brotha to me...even though u're only older by a lil more than 2 weeks! *hugs* Keep on singin', your music enchants da world in dat special way dat only u can achieve. Luv ya.
Chris (DJ Proph) - Hi. *s* U're really kewl. We still need to go out for ice cream sometime! *hugz* Take care, south Whitehorn boy! U need to make it out to this end of da city sometime!
Curtis - 'Tis a shame your Second Cup manager was a prick...u were quite my hero for workin' there. U need to show me da secret of da Iced Creme Brulee Ristretto sometime. Think of it as vindication *s* I think it's a win-win sitch. *hugs* Good luck at SAIT and in all u do.
Daddy - Luv u daddy! U're da best daddy a girl could eva have...I'm so grateful dat God gave me u as my father. *hug and a kiss* Even though I'm gettin' older I'll always be your lil brainiac baby girl...and I'll still go fishin' wit u wheneva u want...even though I neva catch anythin'!
Dan W. - U're a sweet guy. What's this I hear 'bout u doin' some modelin'? And u work at *gasp* the GAP??? Dare I ever step foot into dat store to say Hi? *l* Can I stand it? *hugs* Hope your future is stylin'.
Danny E. - It feels like it's been an eternity dat I've known u! I can't believe kindergarten was such a long time ago. I'll neva forget dat snowball fight we had in my backyard back in 4th grade... u even had da nerve to continue it dat day in 8th grade! When will u and Shaun stop snowin' me? *hugs* Actually, I think I'm safe now *l* I don't get to see u much anymore...and it seems dat when I do see u it's spring/summer which means NO SNOW *giggles*
David - U're a really great guy and I hope everythin' turns out well for u. *hugz* I hope u get to check out da clubs soon, too.
Devon - I still have dat pic of all us at our 9th grade farewell...we were all so glam! I neva got to take a pic wit u durin' our high school grad, though...we gotta get togetha sometime, get all stylin' again so I can take this long overdue pic. *hugs* Take care.
Donny - Now for sure I don't know u as well as da otha Goodfellas know u but if u're a friend of theirs then u're definitely a friend of mine. And I know u truly luv Nattie, da 2 of u give me hope for findin' a luv of my own like yours someday. *hugs* I hope u and Nattie will see da world togetha, 'cuz I know da 2 of u already share your worlds.
Eric - U're definitiely incredible...u're one of da sweetest people I'll eva know, I'm sure of it. Da world needs more people like u. I'm so blessed to know u. *hugs* U've got so much to say and u know just how to say it, I wish da whole world would listen to your voice.
Erin - U're fantastic...neva change! How long have I known u? Like, 12 years now, right? I still rememba da first day I met u...I was new to da school, I had noone to talk to, and u came up to me wit a friendly smile on your face and your way of startin' a conversation was: "So, which guys in our class do u think are cute?" Now, how could I pass up a friendship wit someone who's just as boy-crazy as me? U even give me da strength to try and go afta them every once in a while...Orlando will be a fond memory we'll always be able to share.*hugs*
GenGen - Ate Gen...No matta where our lives may take us I hope we neva lose touch...u're wonderful, and I always luv goin' to Galaxyland wit u wheneva I'm in town. *hugs* I hope da best is in store for u...u have da power to be a gigantic success. What's it like bein' a teacher now?
Jack - Hmm...Jack, I've known u for quite a while...but do I actually know u? Well, u're anotha amazin' singer so u've just gotta keep gracin' da world wit your vocal talent. Thanks for singin' at my debut...u and da Goodfellas made it dat much more special, I'll neva forget it.
Jash - Hey Jash Monkeychow, u're a fabulous much so dat I think of u as my brotha as it is. *hugs* I'm grateful dat u don't pull such a "big-brotha" 'tude wit me da way Jonny can's so weird seein' u 'round campus now! And all 'round Chinook, too! Later, shoe boy.
Jerl - I still need to give u a nickname! Im gonna drive myself nuts until I find one. It's almost hard to believe dat u've been my bud from ALL da way over there for over 2 years now. It really means bunches to me. *hugz* I hope we always stay in touch. Take caresies.
Joe - Hey Joe, best of luck to u and Daphne wit your lil baby! I still owe u guys popcorn powder, I know *guilty* Maybe I'll get my act together soon so I can send it to u guys this summer. Anywayz...*hugs*
Joe D.T. - Hey Joe, sorry I didn't mention u in here earlier...but now u are! Anyways, I haven't seen u in years...I hope life's treatin' u well and take care, 'k? *hugz* Bye!
Joe (Stacy's Joe) - Hello Joe, u're funny. *giggles* Well, it's way kewl dat we get to hang out at your house now. *s* And u're soooo good to Stace. Take care and thanks for bein' a great friend to all of us!
Jonny - wacky brotha. *hugs* Luv ya, u better keep singing! Best wishes to u for your grad! And good luck wit engineering next year, I can't believe I hafta share da campus wit u.
Justin - Well, I haven't known u as long as I've known some otha people but u're still a really good friend of mine. U still owe me some time at Canada's Wonderland...and u betta show me da best clubs in da city 'cuz u know I'm legal in Ontario now! *hugz* Hope to see u this summer, I'll be back in town to visit my lil Ashley and family. (*begs* Please take me clubbin'! U know my cousin won't do it...crazy overprotective girl. Jus' kiddin' Marissa!)
Karry - Hey u saxophone diva! Hope u're keepin' up da legacy drivin' Mr. Riegel, Chris, and Chris Christen insane for all of us sax alumni (or sax dropouts in Rose's case) Hope to see u 'round Grandin when I get 'round to visitin da school. Take care! *hugz* Keep in touch, aight?
Laura - U were one my best friends back in elementary and u'll always be close to my heart. Wherever u go I'm here for u always, u know where to find me. *hugs* It's incredible I had a class wit your brother.
Lorra - Hey Po, u snugglebunny! Well, u're my fave dancin' partner *hugs* so keep boogie-in' down, Chuck Norris! I luv ya so much, I'm so blessed to have u as a sis. "LULU!" I can't believe my baby sis is a teenager now, awwww. *kiss*
Mandi - U're one terrific gal, *hugs* da world can neva do u wrong 'cuz u don't deserve any ill-treatment. Neva change, u're such a sweetie and we could use a whole lot more people like u.
Mariel - Hey chica! Good luck in everythin' u do and let's keep in touch, u need to come out clubbin' wit us more often!
Marissa - Ate Marissa...Although I said I'd only include friends and immediate family up in here...I jus' couldn't leave u out. We don't get to see each otha much, but da times dat we do have togetha are jus' priceless. *hugs* I'll always be there for u, and u'll neva be too old to hang wit me! I luv u like a sista and I wish u all da luv in da world and everythin' good da world can offer. Can't wait to see u, Adam, and Ashley again!
Mommy - Mommy! I luv u sooooo much! I'm so thankful for all da luv and support u've given me up until now, and I know dat it'll keep flowin' eternally. I only hope dat I show u as much luv as u show me. *hug and kiss* Luv u mommy! I really, really do.
Nanay - U're da best grandma a girl could eva have. Thanks for always bein' there for me. *hugs* U know I always luv your cookin'...u and Mommy make special occasions an eatin' experience to rememba for an eternity!
Nat G. - U're one of da sweetest people I'll eva know, dat's for sure! U have such tremendous patience and such a big heart...u're my hero! *hugs* I wanna be jus' like u! Keep Gypsy under control! *giggles*
Natalie W. - Hey girl, u and me are jus' a coupla crybabies, u know? I'll neva forget how we looked bawlin' our eyes out like dat afta our World Championship performance...we'll always have dat. *hugs* Where've u been lately? Haven't seen u 'round campus.
Nattie K. - No matta where u are or how long it's been, I'll always be there for u. U oughtta know dat by now...I've treasured our friendship for ova 16 years now,*hugs* and dat won't eva change. Darrius is such a cute kid and u're such a great mommee. Baby no. 2 is gonna be jus' as lucky. *s*
Pat - U're a great guy...a lil weird sometimes but nothin' so ova da top dat I wouldn't expect from any otha guys anyways. U, my friend, have an intense bass voice...don't hide it, I've heard it wheneva I stood in front of u in choir. U dunno how amazin' dat voice of yours is...I wish more guys could sing as deep as u. *hugz* We may not have exchanged dat many words in da past but u're still a great friend.
Rafael - Hi! *hugz* U're so wonderful, please take care when u're flyin' worries me eva since I heard 'bout your lil accident. Well, I don't really know whatta say 'cuz we don't know each otha so well yet...but I'm sure we will.
Robert - *hugz* I seriously hope I get to meet u someday! I wanna check out that Sushi place u were talkin' 'bout and go shoppin' wit u and all dat good stuffs. *s* Maybe we can meet up when I visit Vegas sometime, wouldn't that be great! *kiss on the forehead* Thanks for all the MP3s and the fun, fun convos. Hope I keep chattin' wit u for ages to come!
Robyn - U're an intriguin' lil chica, u know dat? Thanks for takin' me on my first ice-skatin' experience...dat was a day I'll neva forget. *hugs* Take good care of Albert, even though he gives u allergies...I'm sooooo sorry! I promise I'll help u and Nat out wit your homepage as soon as I can!
Rose -'s been 19 amazin' years, how do we do it? All I know is we hafta keep it strong. U know I'll always be there for u, and I know u're there for me too. But, girl, u really need to work on your balance! How u can fall from a sittin' position is still a mystery to me! *hugs* Well, someday I'll give u a hundred ducks and a million lollipops...and when dat day comes I'll bet u're gonna kill me for takin' your wishes so seriously! U're like a sista to me, and I know my sibs are like family to u too (I can see them drivin' u crazy every time u come ova!) Good luck wit your future! Luv, Luck, and Lollipops, u know who this is.
Shane - Oh, geez, whatta say, whatta say, whatta say? Hmm...OH! It's pronounced FEE-la, not FIE-la...and too-pock, not too-pack. Get it straight guy! *hugs* Keep your hair gunk free and blow Beulah every once in a while! *s* U still owe me some birthday drinks! WHERE have u been lately? Noone's seen u 'round!
Shaun - Grrr....u're anotha one who left us to become an American! When are u all gonna realize, u're all supposed to wait for me! I'm supposed to be da American, not u! *hugs* Well, we'll see each otha again someday.
Stacy - Hey SNewton! How's it goin'? Think we could squeeze anotha BSD outta ya? U know it's gonna be my last one, supposedly. *hugz* Wishin' u, Joe, and Pongo all da best.
Valerie - U're simply mahvelous dahling! U're a really stylin' girl, don't eva change. Live your high school life to da fullest 'cuz it's some of da best times of your life! And it looks like u've got da perfect people to spend high school wit, too!
Vanessa - Chica, u're such a sweetie! Don't forget to look me up wheneva u come to visit and grace us Calgarians wit your presence. Someday I hope to visit u in your new hometown...I've always wanted to see Texas. (There aren't DAT many cowboys there, are there?) *hugs* It's too bad we didn't get to graduate togetha, but I'm sure u had a blast at your prom and homecomin' and all dat American stuff. For dat I'm soooo jealous! All da best at Baylor!
Vannessa - Jus' 'cuz we're net-friends doesn't mean our friendship don't count. I'll always be there to listen to u. U're a great person, glad I got to know u and all your friends. *hugs*