Da Purity Test

Ok, I'm warnin' u for the last time...this test ain't for da bashful. I rememba da 1st time
I took this test...my face was so red from embarassment! (Yeah, I blush easily.) In da beginnin' it's not a really big deal but it gets sooo much
worse as u read on. Most of u are probably shocked that I actually put this on my page...I'm just givin'
the public what it wants. U still wanna proceed? 'k, u'll probably wanna get a piece of paper to keep
track of your score. Personally, I have a score of 75, I think It's a great score. I have done nothing to be
ashamed about. Well, with your willin' participation here's what
I'd like to do: Go ahead and take the test and then if u don't
mind, email me (my addy's at the end of the test) and gimme your
score, age, sex, and geographical area. After a while I'll post
up some stats like highest/lowest/average score, whether or not
chicas score higher than the boyz, whether or not the west is
kinkier than the east, and probably a list of all individual
scores (all without revealin' any individual names) U game?
Aight, then, without any further delay...THE PURITY TEST.
Resultz - Fairly limited right now.
Purity Test
Score by addin' up your "No"
answers. "MOS" means "Memba of the Opposite Sex."
You get one
point for each "No" answer out of a possible 100.
- been on a date?
- been out on a date past 4 a.m.?
- been on a blind date?
- kissed a MOS?
- been French-kissed?
- kissed a MOS in the horizontal position?
- French-kissed three or more MOS within a time frame of 24 hours?
- kissed a MOS in the last three months?
- necked for more than two hours non-stop?
- slow-danced cheek to cheek?
- had an alcoholic drink?
- been drunk?
- driven while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
- had a lapse of memory due to drinking or drugs?
- used alcohol or drugs to lower a MOS's resistance?
- smoked tobacco?
- smoked pot or hashish?
- used a stronger drug?
- taken 4 or more "recreational" drugs within 24 hours?
- read a pornographic book or magazine?
- seen a pornographic movie?
- seen a stripper?
- been arrested?
- been convicted of a crime?
- had an erection/clitoral erection?
- had an orgasm?
- had an orgasm in a dream?
- fondled a MOS's butt?
- caressed a MOS's thigh?
- fondled a breast or had your breast fondled?
- wrestled with a MOS?
- showered, bathed, jacuzzied, or saunaed with a MOS?
- gone co-ed skinny-dippin'?
- gone thru the motions of intercourse while fully clothed?
- spent the nite in a MOS's room?
- slept in the same bed as a MOS?
- seen a naked, post-pubescent MOS?
- been seen naked by a MOS after puberty?
- undressed or been undressed by a MOS?
- kissed a MOS on the breast or been kissed on the breast?
- fondled a MOS's genitals or had yours fondled by a MOS?
- had an orgasm due to manipulation by a MOS?
- kissed a MOS on the thigh?
- engaged in cunnilingus?
- engaged in fellatio?
- had sex at a parent's house while they were home?
- engaged in definitely sexual activity on the first date?
- masturbated?
- masturbated to a picture?
- masturbated with another person in the room?
- watched another person masturbate?
- been caught masturbatin'?
- simulated intercourse with an inanimate object?
- committed an act of voyeurism?
- committed an act of exhibitionism?
- massaged or been massaged by a MOS?
- unintentionally interrupted a couple in a significant state of undress?
- participated in a tickle orgy, Truth or Dare, etc.?
- experimented sexually before puberty?
- purchased contraceptives in a drug store?
- had sexual intercourse?
- had sexual intercourse more than ten times?
- had sexual intercourse continuously for at least half an hour?
- had sexual intercourse within the last 3 months?
- had sexual intercourse three or more times in one nite?
- had sexual intercourse in 3 or more positions?
- had sexual intercourse in a car?
- had sexual intercourse usin' a condom?
- ? *s*
- had sexual intercourse outdoors?
- had sexual intercourse with three different people?
- had sexual intercourse with a virgin?
- had sexual intercourse durin' menstruation or with a partner who was menstruatin'?
- had sexual intercourse without birth control?
- had sexual intercourse with 2 MOS within the time frame of 24 hours?
- had sexual intercourse in a public place?
- described a sexual experience to a separate party?
- committed statutory rape?
- been the object of travel or traveled 100 miles or more for sexual activity?
- impregnated a chica or been pregnant?
- arranged or had an abortion?
- displaced a roommate by stayin' with a MOS for one or more nites?
- shacked up with a MOS for a month or more?
- tasted semen or pussy?
- been propositioned by a prostitute or pimp?
- accepted?
- had anal intercourse?
- been tested for V.D. due to reasonable suspicion?
- had V.D.?
- picked up a strange MOS for sexual purposes?
- engaged in group sex?
- engaged in sadism or masochism for sexual enjoyment?
- been propositioned by a member of the same sex?
- accepted?
- been fondled by a member of the same sex?
- been orally stimulated by a member of the same sex?
- committed incest?
- fondled a pre-pubescent MOS?
- engaged in transvestitism for sexual enjoyment?
- committed bestiality?
Now, add up your
points and the result is your "Purity Percentage." (i.e. 37
points = 37% pure, 87 points = 87% pure)
Enuf of dat! Take me back to da index!
Email: lbalagta@ucalgary.ca