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Name: Jordan Taylor Hanson
Nick: Taylor, Tay
Weight: 120 lbs
Height: 5'10"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Fave Color: Red
D.O.B.: March 14th, 1983
Age: 16
Sign: Pisces
Instruments: Keyboards, Tabourine, Congas
Fave Food: His Mom's Brownies, Pizza
Fave Drink: Mineral Water
Fave Clothes: Basically anything comfortable, he wears nice shirts, with jeans or whatever he wants!
Bad Habit: Biting his Nails, and taps alot, as does Zac!
Personallity:Tay says he is quiet, and kinda shy, but he does talk alot, He's Flirty, and he is sure to break at least a million hearts in his time!!