A donation of $200.00 CDN or $135 USD will bring a permanent Canada Water Purfifier into a Bangladeshi family, delivered and introduced to the family by one of the strongest family education and health agencies in the country, PROSHIKA! Name: __________________________________ ( )Family ( )Business Address: ___________________________________________________________ Contact person if an extended family or business: __________________ Telephone no: ___________ Fax no: __________ E-mail _____________ Income Tax Charity Receipt to be sent to: Name ________________________ Amount $ ______ Address: Name ________________________ Amount $ ______ Address: Name ________________________ Amount $ ______ Address: Send your family or group contribution to: Bangaldesh Emergency Relief Society 283 Palisbriar Park S.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2P 5H7 Fax: 403 251 1431 E-mail: banglarelief@hotmail.com Or ask your bank to deposit your donation directly to the following account: BANK OF MONTREAL (Calgary, Alberta) Bangladesh Emergency Relief Society Donations Account Account No. : 24999 001 8074 463 Registered under the Alberta Charitable Fund-raising Act. |