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Happy Thoughts!
I can't seem to find.
Washed up on the shore
Of the Sea of Love
Is this Broken Heart of Mine

Oh!! Troubled Times
have set in again.
I hate to go back
To this dark and lonely place
But I'm afraid it's inevitable my friend

Now I long for yesterday
When life was innocent and pure
Before I became aware of
Cheating, Lies, and Deception
And how hard they are to endure

In my troubled mind
One positive quote remains
When life deals u Lemons
Just whip out a glass
And make Lemonade

I've always been told
To keep a positive Attitude!
Don't let life get u down
And whatever u do....
Never turn to BOOZE!

But Tonight! I'm just not in the MOOD!
And my mind won't be swayed!
I want a Shaker of Salt and a Bottle of Tequila
To go with my Lemons
I'm Sick and Tired of making Lemonade!
