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Flint Adze. Kaolin Flint. State of Kentucky <

Louisiana Choctow family 1890s-early 1900s

Wolf family

Hawk at rest

The Choctaw chief Pushmataha,painted by Charles Bird King in 1824

sunburst Petroglyph

Toqua, a late Mississippian town circa AD 1450. Life-size mural by Greg Harlin.

American Indian Pictures , Petroglyphs and Pictographs

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Tennessee. The Cache consists of 46 chipped stone ceremonial implements found in 1894. The stone forms include hooks, disks, batons, axes, and bi-pointed "sword shapes"; these "swords" measure up to 28 inches in length. The pieces date to the Late Mississippian period (ca. AD 1450). The entire Duck River Cache is on exhibit.

Drilled Southern Spatulate

Native Indian house

Theodore De Bry Native American Engraving

Native Indian planting

making dugout boat burning and scraping

TABLE OF CONTENTS - click links below

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Sadly some animals rescued and taken to the vet cannot be saved.With happiness of heart many can.

Profits go to "Wet nose & furry paws project" Assisting in healing , placement & care of abandoned & abused animals ·
Also to the someone to care fund which Assists the the needy & less fortunate both young & old.

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