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Hi. My name is Dawn. But if you've met me online you know me as BugsBunne. Ok time for some boring stuff about me. I live in southern Louisiana. I'm 19 years old and I go to Nicholls State University and I'm majoring in elementary education and I plan on teaching 2nd grade if I ever graduate. It's not exactly Harvard but I have to go there cause it's cheap. Also I work part time at a law office around here. And I just got married a few weeks ago.
And I won't bother to ask anybody to sign my guest book cause I know nobody will. But for those of you that would like to sign it, I promise you I wouldn't mind. I mean, that's what it's there for right? And if you want to talk to me my ICQ # is 60628950.
If you get really bored you can email me by clicking on the mailbox

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This page last updated August 16, 2000

Some stuff

a picture of me.. aren't you lucky?
another picture of me
me and Mitch
wanna see my... gall bladder?
the ever-popular links page
