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23 Maamo St., Sikatuna Village, Quezon City, Tel. (02)-435-9151


Junk the Visiting Forces Agreement!!!

(Unity Statement by the Junk VFA Movement)




One Hundred years ago the United States of America invaded our shores in the guise of helping us topple Spanish rule. Starting out as an ally, the US eventually shed its true colors as our next colonizer. So atrocious was the Philippine-American War which followed that it is now called "America's First Vietnam."

Since then, twice have our people through legislative acts rejected the continued stay of US military bases and troops. In 1933, the Philippine Legislature rejected the Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law, which dangled independence in return for the retention of US bases. In 1991, The Philippine Senate heeded the people's clamor against a new treaty extending the RP-US Military Bases Agreement.

Yet, we have not totally rid ourselves of US military presence and intervention. For one, the RP-US Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) of 1951 allows US military intervention in our internal affairs under the guise of securing "peace" and "mutual security." The MDT is among the several military agreements tied to the granting of "Philippine independence" after World War II.

Today, the US, in connivance with the Estrada Administration seeks to reestablish a legal basis for its extraterritorial rights and privileges in our country. The Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), negotiated on the sly and signed by the Ramos regime on February 10, 1998, is being pushed by the Estrada administration for Senate ratification in October to please its main political sponsor-the US.

Through the VFA, US warships can disgorge military and civilian personnel, combat hardware, equipment and supplies for military activities in any point in the country. There is no defined limit to the number of troops, their length of stay and scope of activities. The US military and civilian personnel are exempted from passports and visa regulations, taxes and other duties. Even their vehicles and drivers don't need to be registered or licensed under our laws.

US warships cannot be inspected by the Philippine authorities for nuclear arms nor for quarantine purposes. No US personnel can be tried under Philippine courts if the US so "requests."Worse than the Military Bases Agreement, the VFA transforms the country into one huge US military facility. As such, it invites armed attacks from US enemies and involves us in wars of their making. It opens up our country to the threat of nuclear contamination and environmental destruction. And it will worsen prostitution, drug abuse, and social ills.

All these for what?

The VFA like the 47 military agreements before it, has not modernized our armed forces in spite of the much-ballyhooed aid programs and joint military exercises.The VFA was formulated by the US authorities with the sole purpose of advancing its security agenda in the Asia-Pacific region. As the world's only superpower, the US needs VFA to ensure its military dominance of the world's biggest market. In this light, it is illusory and erroneous to claim that RP and US interests are indentical and mutual.

Thus, we declare our unity to strongly oppose and expose the VFAs true nature and intent. We vow to work for its rejection by the Senate. We urge all the people to join us in this noble resolve.

Fight for national sovereignty and dignity!

Abrogate the RP-US Mutual Defense Treaty!

Junk the Visiting Forces Agreement!