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Lyrics to the Bitter Suite

Xena-Acted by Lucy Lawless-Sung by Lucy Lawless

Gabrielle-Acted by Renee O'Connor-Sung by Susan Wood

Ares-Acted by Kevin Smith-Sung by Kevin Smith

Callisto-Acted by Hudson Leick-Sung by Michelle Nicastro

If you Click Here You will be able to go through all the songs in order, including the Callisto quote things. If not, just go to whatever song you want to go to :)

These are the things that Callisto says when Xena and Gab are under water in the begining of the episode

Song of the Fool

What's Still Unwritten...Song of Illusia

Joxer the Mighty

War and Peace

Hearts are Hurting (Part I)

Hate is the Star

Hearts are Hurting (Part II)

The Love of Your Love

Melt into Me

Click hereto read the transcript to "The Bitter Suite"

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