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Link to The Graphix Outpost


Looking for Banner Blanks?Click Here!
50 new blank banner images!

To create a link to Futura's Graphix Outpost using one of the banners or buttons below:

(1) Save the banner or button of your choice to your disk or hard drive.
(2) Copy the green code below. Paste code to your webpage and replace "image_name.gif" with the actual name of the image).
(3) Note: Some images are .gifs and some images are .jpgs - Notice this and make your html code match the type of image you save.

<center><a href="">
<img src="image_name.gif" border=0 alt="The Graphix Outpost"></a></center>


Run your mouse over a color name to make this page's background that color.
This is a neat way to see which image looks good on which color.

White   Off-White   Light Yellow   Maroon   Black   Gray   Red   Orange   Yellow   Green   Mid Blue   Blue   Purple


Please do not alter these images in any way - it degrades their quality.
If you must have a different size graphic, e-mail me.


Futura small
Make one like this yourself at: Cool Text

Make banners like these online with: The Banner Generator

Make a banner like this yourself, online at: Animation Online

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