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Finding Homes for These Angels
*brought to you by the wonderful and creative mind behind princess!*

Once, many, many years ago, God sent about two thousand angels to earth. Little did he know, the angels had to destination, like they should have. So many of them were homeless. But after awhile, the angels made a deal with the humans that took them in; in exchange for a loving, warm home, they would guard it and keep it safe from harm.

But now, we have discovered still some homeless, unhappy angels. They are looking for people to take them in and love them in exchange for a protected home. Won't you help out? All you have to is pick some angels, or even one, and paste the ready-made code below on a website. In exchange, the angel will keep your website safe and secure, only if you show him love. Thank you for helping out, you have no idea how much this means to them!!

Click here to shelter an angel in return for a protected home!

Click here to shelter an angel in return for a protected home!

Click here to shelter an angel in return for a protected home!

Click here to shelter an angel in return for a protected home!


Thank you so much!! Could you email me here to tell me you adopted? I'd love to know how many angels are getting homes. Thanks! :)