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New Orleans (February 6, 1999)

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These are pictures from my trip to New Orleans (NO) with the Office of International Affairs 
(OIA). We went by bus to NO for a day trip.

New Orleans with OIA

Saturday 990206

During our day trip we went to the Aquarium 
and the IMAX theatre. In the Aquarium we saw 
sharks, jellyfish, turtles, lobsters and 
other sea animals in different environments. 
They also had alligators and a white headed 
eagle. The IMAX theatre showed a movie about 
Africa and the great plains of Serengeti.

After the Aquarium we went to have lunch in 
the bus and then we walked the streets of NO.
We saw canal Street, Bourbon Street, Jackson 
Square, the French Market and other locations 
and sights. By the Jacksonsquare we went to 
have something to drink and eat in the 
afternoon. We also saw this breakdance and 
acrobatic street show with some guys from NO. 
They were really talented and did all kinds of 
crazy stuff before a 200-300 crowd.

Later in the afternoon and the evening we went 
to Canal Street and looked at a parade. We 
caught beads and had a good time in the crowds.  


Angelique and me on Canal Street. [above left]

Angelique and Khadija walking Bourbon Street. [above right]

The breakdance show. One of the guys on the team  in the front and some of the people I went 
with in the back. [below]