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Chapter One...New Place

Molly Gregory sat at Baskin Robbins with a small cup of cookie dough ice cream in front of her. She watched the people in the mall intently. It was Saturday morning and the mall was packed. It was her first week in a new town and she thought that she might meet some people at the mall. Looking back, she wondered why she ever thought that. It seemed stupid and impossible at the moment. She finished the ice cream and threw the container away as she walked out. It was weird here and the mall was just as weird.
Seeing no point in staying, Molly left the mall through the way she came in and walked across the huge parking lot to the bus stop. Ten minutes later, a bus picked her up and dropped her off at her mom's new office. They'd moved so her dad could take a better job here and he had to work all day. Molly's mom, Judy, got a new job and she went a day early to get adjusted before the real work. That's why Molly went there. That, and a city bus won't take you home and Molly still have no clue how to get where she lived.
Molly entered the building through the front doors and looked around. The air-conditioned lobby was freezing cold. She wondered where her mom's office was. She walked up to the front desk where a young woman in a business suit stood.
"Hi, can I help you?" the woman, who was wearing a name tag that read 'Lynn Baker.' asked.
"Uh, yeah. I'm Merissa Gregory's daughter, Molly, and I was wondering where her office is. She works for Valens and Company." Molly said.
"Valens and Company is on the third floor. The secretary up there should know something." Ms. Baker informed.
"Thanks." Molly smiled as she looked for an elevator or something. She saw one on the other side of a fountain and walked to it. Once inside the elevator, Molly pressed the 3 button and was soon on the third floor. Once there, Molly immediately saw the secretary for Valens and Company. She walked to the desk.
"Can I help you?" the secretary asked. She looked about 34 and her nametag read 'Helen Cryer.'
"Yeah, I'm Molly Gregory, Merissa Gregory's daughter. I know she's here today to set up and I was wondering where her office is." Molly told.
"Merissa Gregory...24C. That's down the right hall, 4th door on the left." Ms. Cryer informed. Molly thanked her and followed the directions to a door that was slightly ajar. Molly stepped in and saw her mom talking on the phone at her new desk. Merissa motioned for Molly to sit down and Molly sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.
"...yes, I'm sure they're charming but we just moved in! We need time to settle...yes, I know...I know, but we don't have any place for them right now, much less anything to feed them...I'm sorry, but-...How about this; after we settle in, which'll be in a few days or a couple of weeks, I don't know, we'll surely invite them over-...a restaurant? No, not yet...That's right...OK, bye." Merissa finished the phone call and hung up the phone. "That was your father. He made plans to have dinner with some huge family that he met this morning. They live near us and all. I made him postpone it till we settle in."
"Oh, cool." Molly said half-heartedly.
"So, what brings you here?" Merissa asked.
"Well, I was at the mall and wanted to go home. I got on a bus and, since I didn't know how to get home where they would drop me off, I decided to skip getting lost and come here." Molly explained.
"Oh, well, you're in luck because I am almost ready to get home--right after I check my email." Merissa told. Molly nodded and her mom checked her email. Luckily, there was only a reminder about work.
"Well, let's go." Merissa said. Molly followed her mom out of the office, to the elevator, where they went to the first floor, and out of the builing. They went to the parking building and found Merissa's car. They got in and went home.
About 15 minutes later, the blue Chevy Cavalier pulled into the driveway of the two-story house the Gregory family now called home. There was a message on the answer machine. Molly pressed the play button.
"Hey, it's me. Laryn called and she said that Milla will be coming home next week. I'll be home at 6. See ya soon." the message said. It was Molly's dad, Micheal. Molly's 16 year old sister Milla was staying with their dad's sister Laryn while she lifeguarded at the local pool of where they all used to live. Milla was only a lifegaurd for the month of June and it was June 29th that day.
"Believe it or not, I can't wait for Milla to get home." Molly said.
"I'm shocked!" Merissa teased. Molly rolled her eyes in fake annoyance.
Seeing that there was nothing to do downstairs, Molly went upstairs to her new room. For the first time ever, she would have her own room, and she was very happy about that. There wasn't much to it yet; they'd only been there a couple of days and the movers had gotten there the day before. Molly's queen size wraught iron bed was in its place and her TV, stereo, dresser, nighstand, and desk were there, too. That morning she had put up a full-length mirror on the back of her door. The floor was wood paneled and there was a great big beige rug covering a lot of the floor. The walls were a tad bit light than the rug and there was a clear finished wood fan light hanging from the ceiling. Molly had ivory bedclothes and all of her wooden furniture matched the fan being clear finished wood. Seeing there was nothing to do there, Molly searched for her skateboard in one of the boxes still on her floor. She finally found it and inspected it for any possible damage. After concluding it was fine, Molly changed into pants, a light green tank top, and Airwalks that matched her tank top. She grabbed her black, white, and yellow Adidas jacket and pulled it on. Carrying her skateboard, Molly went back downstairs.
"Hey Mom, I'm going skateboarding, OK?" Molly asked.
"Do you have a watch?" Merissa inquired.
"Right here." Molly answered, showing her mom her green and brown sports watch.
"Be home by 5." Merissa said as she looked back down at the newspaper she was reading. Molly raced out of the house and jumped off the front porch hyperly. She hopped onto her skateboard and got pretty fast by the time she turned onto the sidewalk. She got up more momentum and glided along for a little while as she tried to see all of the neighborhood. She got to a road and stopped. She decided to go down it, so she turned the corner and sped up.
After skateboarding around some more she thought her surroundings looked familiar. She was back in front of her house. She had only been gone for 20 minutes. I just skateboarded in a circle!, she thought. This new place was annoying.

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