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~*Gifts & Awards --- Page 5*~

Thank You So Very Much, to All who have awarded me with gifts and awards for my web page, They are accepted with honor and greatly appreciated. Thanks again and God Bless You All!! You can click on my awards, to take you to the sites where they were awarded to me from. But Don't take my awards! they are all special. Please take the time to visit these pages, they are very much worth seeing and while there, Please be nice and sign the guest books of these wonderful people who have worked so hard and spent so much of their time, in putting these pages together. Thank you and God bless you!!

Award # 27
Awarded April 5, 1999
Thank you Carol for this award

Given April 18, 1999
Thank You Teresa for this act Of Kindness Gift

Receieved April 24, 1999
Thank You Rita S. My Web Sister & Net Sister, You Are Too Much!!! ~s~ and Hugs Back!!

Award # 28
Awarded: April 25, 1999
Thank You Byron and bdt Productions-Gospel Music Specialist
For this award..... And God Bless You!!

Receieved: April 27, 1999
Thank You Molly for this gift, I display it with honor and appreciation
Hugs and God Bless You

Receieved: May 7, 1999
Thank you Lisa for this gift, I will Cherish it always... Hugs and God Bless You Sis

Award # 29
Awarded: May 21, 1999
Thank you Dottie for this award from your cabin in the woods,
I display it with honor and appreciation God Bless You

Award # 30
Awarded: May 21, 1999
Thank you Lisa of Lisa's World for this award,
I display it with honor and appreciation God Bless You

Given: May 22, 1999
This Beautiful Globe comes from my web sister Rita S.
Thank you so much Sis for this Globe, it just means so much,
She does resemble my little Jerricka, and your little Mallory, doesn't she?
Our Little Angel's here on earth... awww sis you have given me tears of joy :)
I will cherish it and You in my heart always.... Hugs :)

The Beautiful Globe shown on this page, came from Foxee's
Visit her site and please let her know what a wonderful God Given Gift she has.
Thank you Stacey and God Bless You .... Hugs!!

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|-Awards & Gifts Page 3-|-Awards & Gifts Page 4-|
|You Are Here Page 5-|-Awards & Gifts Page 6-|
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