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~*Awards & Gifts --- Page 6*~

Thank You So Very Much, to All who have awarded me with gifts and awards for my web page, They are accepted with honor and greatly appreciated. Thanks again and God Bless You All!! You can click on my awards, to take you to the sites where they were awarded to me from. But Don't take my awards! they are all special. Please take the time to visit these pages, they are very much worth seeing and while there, Please be nice and sign the guest books of these wonderful people who have worked so hard and spent so much of their time, in putting these pages together. Thank you and God bless you!!

Receieved: May, 1999
Thank you Claudia for this gift... Hugs!!!
God Bless you sis

Award # 31
Awarded: May 26, 1999
Thanks sis for yet another surprise, It's awesome :) Hugs!!!

Receieved June 1, 1999
Thank you Winterstorm for this Act Of Kindness
This brought back memories of my childhood :)... Hugs!!!

Award # 32
Awarded: June 2, 1999
Thank you Julie for this beautiful Rainbow award... Hugs and God Bless You

Award # 33
Awarded June 8, 1999
Thank you Debbie for this award & God Bless You

Award # 34
Awarded June 11, 1999
Thank You So Much Grant for this Beautiful award
It really shows a part of our herritage I will
cherish this little token of appreciation always,
One could not ask for a truer friend, that cares from the heart

Received June 12, 1999
Thank you so very Much, Silvana, for using your talents in such a wonderful way,
and for sharing a part of yourself with me and the other members of our eCircles Net Sisters group.
Again THANK YOU SO MUCH, Sis, for this special globe which means to much to us all and for the beautiful meaning behind it all.
God bless you! Love & Hugs!!! Your NS Connie A.

Award # 35
Awarded: July 2, 1999
Thank you Apache and Peace, for this honorable mention award!
I really had a nice time in the contest, am looking forward to the next.

Award # 36

Awarded July 23, 1999
Thank you Pat for this Award .... I display it with honor
and appreciation, and will cherish it and you always. Love ya Sis!!

Receieved July 23, 1999
Thank you Pat for this gift I will cherish it always
)))))0((((( Angel Hugs !!!

Award #37
Awarded: September 20, 1999
Thank You Very Much Rita for yet another Beautiful award for my web page, Hugs!!!!

Receieved: September 9, 1999
Thank you Walter from Omega Sun for this Random Act of Kindness
God Bless You

Award #38
Receieved: October 28,1999
Thank you Lisa for this beautiful award, But most of all Thank you for being my Friend!!! Hugs and May God Bless and Keep you and May His face shine upon you always!


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|-Awards & Gifts Page 3-|-Awards & Gifts Page 4-|
|-Awards & Gifts Page 5-|You Are Here Page 6- |-Awards & Gifts Page 7-|
