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~*Gifts & Awards --- Page 7*~

Thank You So Very Much, to All who have awarded me with gifts and awards for my web page, They are accepted with honor and greatly appreciated. Thanks again and God Bless You All!! You can click on my awards, to take you to the sites where they were awarded to me from. But Don't take my awards! they are all special. Please take the time to visit these pages, they are very much worth seeing and while there, Please be nice and sign the guest books of these wonderful people who have worked so hard and spent so much of their time, in putting these pages together. Thank you and God bless you!!

Award # 39
Awarded feburary 3, 2000

Receieved: Februrary 3, 2000

a special Thank you for this surprise from SweetMama Pam
for these two beautiful gifts and to Jeanette for submitting
my site in secret *s* I will cherish these always *s*
may God Bless you both ......

Award # 40
Receieved: March - 2000

Thank you Apache & Peace
for this award and for allowing my web site to be a part of the February Contest.
and A Special Thank you to all of you that have voted for my web site!!
May God Bless you all......

Award # 41
Receieved: April 4, 2000

Thank you Claudette "Petit" for this beautiful award. God Bless You...

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