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~Home Made Bread~

2 cups of warm water (105 to 115%f)
2 pkgs. fast rising yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 & 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter or margerine, softened
5 1/2 to 6 cups unsifted all-purpose flour
1 egg white, beaten with 1 tsp, water (optional)

1. If possible, check the temperature of the water with thermometer.
Sprinkle yeast and sugar over water in a large bowl; stir until dissolved.
2. Add salt, butter, beat vigorously until smooth--- about 2 minutes.
3. Gradually add remaining flour, mixing in last of it with hands
until dough is stiff enough to leave sides of the bowl.
4. Turn out dough onto lightly floured pastry cloth or board.
Knead until smooth--- about 10 minutes.
5. Place in lightly greased, large bowl;
turn dough over to bring greased side up.
Cover with a towel; let rise in a warm place (85F),
Free from drafts, until double in bulk--- about 30 minutes.
6. Punch the dough down, Knead the dough again for a few minutes.
Turn dough out onto lightly floured pastry cloth or board;
Divide in half.
7. Shape each half into a smooth, 6-inch ball; tuck edge under;
place in two lightly greased 8-by-1 1/2-inch layer-cake pans.
8. Cover with towel; let rise in warm place (85F), free from drafts,
until double in bulk--- 30 to 40 minutes.
9. Preheat oven to 375%F.
10. Before baking, lightly brush tops of loaves with beaten egg-white
mixture. this is optional... it gives a nice crust
Bake loaves about 30 minutes, or until they sound
hollow when tapped with knuckle.
11. Remove from pans to wire rack.

12. Serve slightly warm, or cool completely.

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