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~ Egg Roll's & Sauce ~

1/2 cup of onions chopped fine
1 cup of shredded cabbage
1 cup of shredded celery
2 Tabsp. of soy sauce
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cornstarch
1 Lb. cooked pork cut into tiny pieces
1/2 Lb. of peeled and deviened cooked shrimp, cut into tiny pieces
1/4 tsp. oil
1 pkg. Egg Roll Wraps

You will also need a pan for deep frying and enough oil to cover the Egg Roll's

Combine first 7 ingredients in the 1/4 tsp. of oil
Saute until onions are clear and cabbage is slightly wilted
Add the cooked cut up pork and shrimp, Stir fry and let cool
After filling has cooled, Add to the Egg Roll Wraps, following the directions on the package.

You will need a little water to seal the Egg Roll Wraps! so have a cup or small bowl of water ready before beginning.

Deep Fry in " HOT " oil until crisp and golden brown

You can also add 1 or 2 shredded carrots to the egg roll's
and also crab meat if you desire

~ Miniature Egg Rolls ~

1 /4 cup oil
1/2 cup celery chopped fine
1/4 cup green onions chopped fine
3/4 cup cooked shrimp chopped
3/4 cup cooked pork chopped
3/4 cup cabbage chopped or shreadded
3/4 cup bean sprouts
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tsp. sugar
salt and pepper to taste
1 pkg. egg roll wraps

Follow Cooking instructions for above recipe
Cut wraps into triangles
Useing smaller portions in wraps of filling
Follow instructions on wrap pkg.
for assembling and cooking.

~~ SAUCE ~~

3/4 Cup of white granulated sugar
1/3 Cup of Soy Sauce
3 Tabsp. of Corn Starch
1/3 Cup of Vinegar
2/3 Cup of Water

Cook over medium-low heat stirring constantly until thickness desired

Crab Meat Egg Roll's

1 lb. lump crab meat (check for pieces of shell)
1/2 large sweet potato
1/2 large mango
1/2 large papaya
1/2 cup soft breadcrumbs (any style)
1 1/4 cups sour cream
1 Tbsp. creole seasoning
1 Tabsp. soy sauce
1 package egg roll wrappers
oil for deep frying

preperation for egg roll filling
Place the crab meat in a food processor and puree. Peel and dice into small pieces the sweet potato, papata, and mango. Place crabmeat, mango, papaya, sweetpotato and bread crumbs into a large bowl. add the sour cream, creole seasoning and soy sauce. Mix thouroughly, place eggroll wrappers on work surface. Place 1/3 cup of the mixture in in each of the wrappers, roll and seal according to the wrapper instructions.

Mango Marmalade Sauce

1 large mango
1 16-oz. jar of mango chutney
1/2 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice
1/2cup pineapple juice
1 Tabsp. of molasses


Peel and dice mango, add orange juice, pineapple juice, chutney and molasses puree in a food processoruntil it is liquidified. this may be done in advance and set aside.
Heat the oil to 350% in a deep fryer, Add 2-3 eggrolls at a time, and fry until golden brown. Drain on paper towels and leep them warm.
When ready to serve, slice the eggrolls in half on a bias. Place a large spoonful of the mango marmalade sauce on a plate. Spread into a circle about 4" in diameter. Stand eggrolls upright in the center.
You may want to garnish with diakon sprouts, or add a few sprigs of parsley, or onion tops.

Any extra eggrolls may be frozen and used at a later date, by simply reheating in the oven.

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