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~ Coffee Cookies ~

5 lbs. sugar
2 dozen eggs
5 lbs. plain flour
1 lb. butter
3 lbs. pioneer bisquitmix (buttermilk)
5 Tabsps. vanilla
4 heaping Tabsps. baking powder

Mix all dry ingredients first in a large plastic dishpan.
Let butter come to room temperature ( Do Not Melt ).
Mix eggs, butter, and vanilla ( This is best done in a blender )
Then add to the dry ingredients ( Mix By Hand )
Not with a spoon or mixer.
When all is mixed, roll out dough on a floured surface and cut
cookies with a cookie cutter what ever you like.
Place on a buttered or greased pan and bake Cook at 350%
Till light brown around bottom edges.

This makes a whole lot of cookies!

Thanks Grant for another Yummy recipe!

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