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~Double Layer Pumpkin Pie~

4 ounces Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese, softened
1 Tabsp. milk or Half & Half
1 Tabsp. sugar
1 1/2 cups thawed Cool Whip Whipped Topping
1 prepared Grham Cracker Crumb Crust (6 ounces)
1 cup cold milk or Half & Half
1 can (16 ounces) pumpkin
2 packages (4- serveing size) Jell-O Vanilla
Flavor Instant Pudding & Pie Filling
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/4 tsp. ground cloves

MIX cream cheese, 1 Tablespoon milk and sugar in a large bowl with
wire whisk until smooth. Gently stir in Whipped Topping.
Spread onto bottom of crust.

POUR 1 cup milk into large bowl. Add Pumpkin, Pudding mixes
and spices Beat with wire whisk until well mixed. (Mixture will be thick.)
Spread over cream cheese layer.

REFRIGERATE 4 hours or until set.

Makes 8 servings!

NOTE: ...... Mix in 1/4 cup toasted pecans into the
cream cheese mixture ... Spread to bottom of crust for a
"Double Layer Pecan Pumpkin Pie" Continue as directed.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Refrigerating Time:4 hours



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