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~ Crab Roll Ups With Roll Up Dip ~

1 cup white crab meat
3 Tabsp. seasoned bread crumbs
1 Tabsp.white wine.....(optional)
1 tsp. minced parsley
1/4 tsp. dry mustard
salt and pepper to taste
5 slices bacon, cut to size

Combine crabmeat with all ingredients except bacon
Mix thoroughly. Chill for 1 hour.

Shape a Tabsp. of mixture into rolls,
Wrap each roll with bacon and secure with a tooth pick.
Place crab rolls in a shallow pan.
Bake at 375% in oven until bacon is crisp.
Drain on paper towels.

-Crab Roll Up Dip-

1 Tbsp.honey mustard
1 Tabsp. prepared mustard
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup katsup
1/2 tsp. brown sugar

Combine all ingredients until well blended.

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