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These are poems that I wrote quite a few years ago. We were living near the beach at Grand Isle, La. at the time. attending the Grand Isle Assembly Of God Church, where I was teaching Sunday School to 8 and 9 year old's, I was also the song leader of the praise and worship services. after we were there for a little over a year, the pastor of the church was sent on a mission tour and the church was without a pastor, we then moved back to our own home in Golden Meadow, La. where we began holding prayer meetings, while attending another denominational church where again I was teaching Sunday School to the same age group, leading song services and singing specials as led by the Lord. we didn't feel that is where the Lord wanted us to be so, we moved on to find another church, being led of the Lord until we found where we were to be planted and rooted. again holding prayer meetings in our home and leading people to the Lord, we had a Full Gospel minister come to our home once sometimes twice a week, that lasted nearly 2 years and we told our prayer group that we were moving on and asked them to find a church that taught the whole bible and not just a part of it. many followed us as we begain attending a local Full Gospel Church where again I was called upon to teach and again it was the same age group, I was song leader and praise and worship leader ,I also sang specials as led by the Lord to do so. My desire is to have a closer walk with the Lord and to be what He wants me to be, to be where He wants me to be and to do His will... being Led of the Holy Spirit...

~ Hope Of Rare Beauties ~

Sitting up alone, while all is asleep
The quiet of the night, is just as pleasant
As viewing snowflakes falling past a window pane
And a Cardinal walking to and fro'
In hopes to find A seed or straw
Maybe a twig along the way
His soft feathers are as red as scarlet
Against the soft white fresh fallen snow
A Rare beauty indeed

In Heaven are more beauties
That eyes hath not seen
God hath given me the hope
That some day, some night
Or some morning
I'll view them beyond a shining river!

c. Author: Connie

~ A Song In My Heart ~

A soft warm breath, A soft quiet summer breeze
Blowing gently through the green leaves of a tree
Or blowing softly across a field of wheat.

A delicate blue sky, with snow white clouds,
Floating gently across the heavens,
As swift and as beautiful as a hummingbird,
The soft flutter of a resting birds wings.
The chirping of the same.

Green grass on a hill sloaping down in a valley
In cascades of glitter in the early morning dew,
Glistening as diamonds, when the sun just starts Peeking thru the dawn

A soft gentle whisper, like a cool mountain brook
Streaming down rocks and rushing down a stream
Into the forest of woods.
And O, the sound of an Angel gently touching
The strings of a harp, made of pure gold!

The touch of the my Lord when He comforts me
Put's a sweet gentle song in my heart
Sing, sing onto the Lord of His Beauty
For His Goodness is by far more precious than gold.

c. Author: Connie

~ Victory ~

So lonely most of the time;
I call on my Jesus in the night
My answers come O, just in time.

I feel a gentle peaceful river flowing
From deep within my soul,
My loneliness disappears,
With the swelling of the tide.

The joy I feel when the the comforter comes
Is so sweet, so sweet to me
no tongue can tell the pleasures
When He comes to comfort me!

All fear is gone when Jesus comes in
He lights my path, and restores gladness
within me - My cup runneth O'er

His warmth and love engulfs me
Like a rushing mighty wind
He sends His Spirit and I overcome
Victory, Victory sings my soul
I'm no longer lonely anymore!

c. Author: Connie

Lyric's to the song playing

"His Eye Is On The Sparrow"

Why should I feel discouraged?
Why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart be lonely,
And long for heav'n and home
When Jesus is my portion?
My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.


I sing because I'm happy,
I sing because I'm free.
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

These are the Lyrics to the song!
I don't recall who wrote this song,
but It's just as old as I am if not older than I am

ST. MATTHEW, 10: v's 29 - 31
29. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
30. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

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