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Scenes 41 & 42

Sc41: Mike waves Matt and Renee farewell as they drive off towards the airport. Once they leave, Matt's parents drive by.
MOTHER: Ah, Mike, hop in. Who was that?
MIKE: No one.
FATHER: Isn't that Matt's car? It is. C'mon. If it's being stolen...well...I'll get that no good scumbag.
MIKE: But...
MOTHER: Just be quiet and get in. It's hard enough that he has to sit on a donut.
MIKE: (gets in) What has that got to do with anything?
MOTHER: I just felt like rubbing it in.
They drive after Matt's car. They follow it onto the highway.
FATHER: Hey that looks like the Walshe bitch. She's hijacking my son's car! Well I'll teach her a lesson.
They continue driving after Matt's BMW.
CUT TO: Renee keeps looking behind them
RENEE: Is that your father?
Matt turns around for a split second (coz he's driving)
MATT: What the hell is he doing here?
RENEE: And there's Mike. I knew he'd be jealous.
MATT: Why would he be jealous?
RENEE: Coz we used to date.
MATT: You and Mike? Dating? Seriously?
Renee nods
MATT: Why didn't you tell me?
RENEE: I didn't think that would be necessary.
MATT: Wait a minute, how many people have you dated? I wanna know.
RENEE: counting in her head using her fingers) about 30 or something like that.
MATT: (chucking a spaz) Whaddaya mean 30?!
RENEE: Hey, don't get so testy! I'm here with you ain't I?
MATT: I guess.
Renee looks behind them. She sees her parents drive up next to Matt's parents
RENEE: Uh, Matt, we have a slight problem. My parents are too.
MATT: What?!
Matt turns around again.
MATT: Oh shit!
Matt starts to speed up but they speed up too.
CUT TO: Renee's parents are staring at Matt's parents. Then they open fire. Matt's parents retaliate. Both mothers hit the fathers. Claire's father drives up next to the Walshes. Mr Prescott winds down his window. Mrs Walshe winds down hers.
PRESCOTT: Are they the bastards who killed my daughter? (points to Renee and Matt)
Mrs Walshe nods.
PRESCOTT: So, how are we gonna stop 'em?
Mrs Walshe holds up her machine gun. She takes out a rifle and carefully passes it to Mr Prescott. Matt's father and Renee's father stop shooting after running out of bullets. Matt's father winds down his window, Renee's father does the same.
MACRAY: What the hell are you doing here?
WALSHE: I'm trying to stop this bullshit.
MACRAY: Oh please, I've seen the way you look at my son's BMW. I can understand why you'd want one but stealing is not the way to go.
WALSHE: What the hell are you talking about?
MACRAY: I'm talking about you making your daughter steal my son's car.
WALSHE: Why would she bother stealing your son's car?
MACRAY: Coz she's a no good bitch.
WALSHE: Oi! Don't you go calling my daughter a bitch!
MACRAY: Look, why are you here?
WALSHE: I'm trying to stop my daughter from marrying your dirty off spring.
MACRAY: What are you talking about?
WALSHE: (VO: Idiot.) You see how that's your son's car?
WALSHE: Well, my daughter and your son are inside coz they just got hitched.
MACRAY: What?! That nitwit.
Mr Macray looks at Mike
MACRAY: Did you know about this?
MIKE: (innocently) I'm just as surprised as you Uncle Steve.
Mr Macray looks back at Mr Walshe
MACRAY: So how are we gonna stop 'em?
Mr Walshe holds up a bazooka.
MACRAY: Ah, I like your style.
Mr Macray holds up his rifle. Mrs Macray puts down the top of their car. They open fire on Matt and Renee
MATT: I guess they're not happy about our little marriage thing.
RENEE: I guess not. Well, at least I always come prepared.
She takes a couple of grenades from her bag. She throws some at her parents and his. One goes near the Macrays.
CUT TO: Mr Macray is still driving but with vengeance. Suddenly his donut pops and he swerves out of control. His car flies off the highway into a wall. Everyone inside dies from the mass explosion.
CUT TO: The Walshes look on.
WALSHE: What a waste...oh well.
CUT TO: Matt stares in horror at his deceased family
RENEE: They had it coming.
Renee throws another grenade at her parents car. It his the side and the car flips over onto Mr Prescott's car. Prescott's car starts swerving wildly crashing into another car. Renee turns around.
RENEE: And now, to Hawaii.
MATT: (weird accent) For some fun in da sun
CUT TO: The wreckage of the cars. A hand pokes out of the Walshe car. Josh slowly climbs out the smashed window. His left arm is completely sucky. He takes out the bazooka and aims at Renee. He shoots and hits the back of the car.
CUT TO: Matt's trying to control the car but it's no use. They swerve back and forth but still crash into another car. The whole car is wrecked.
CUT TO: Josh tries to see if there are any survivors.
CUT TO: Renee opens her eyes. She looks at the review mirror and sees Josh slowly walking towards the wreckage. She slowly looks over at Matt. His head has smashed against the window. Blood is pouring from the deep cut in his throat. He coughs.
MATT: (slowly, quietly)
Matt breathes his last breath for this life. A tear runs down Renee's face. She picks up a grenade at her feet. She quickly gets up and throws it at Josh. Josh explodes. Renee lies down next to Matt. She lightly strokes his hair and then gently kisses his forehead. Tears continue to run down her face. She picks up a small gun from the glove compartment and holds it against her head.
RENEE: (quietly) I love you.
She closes her eyes and pulls the trigger to end all her pain and misery. The gun doesn't shoot. She opens her eyes, gets frustrated then finds the safety lock. She pulls the trigger again. Her lifeless body falls beside Matt's. Police sirens are blaring and police cars finally arrive on scene.

Sc42: The old woman from the café is ringing the doorbell at Matt's house holding his anonymus letter in her hand.


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