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My Wonderful Stories!!

Okay, since I'm a pretty...boring person...I've decided to put up some stories... Thank you Dani for FINALLY giving me my disk!!

So here's Ruby if ya wanna take a look!

Yeah, anywayz, here's one that I'm working on right now *ooh* yeah...anyway... I only have the first few scenes up and ready it crappy untitled story!!

OH and I'll only put on 2 scenes at a time...unless if they're really short scenes...then obviously...there'll be a most brilliant plan...

If you ever encounter the letters 'VO' it just means voice over...okay? Ok!! Goodo!!

The Untitled Story

Or you can read my other story that has bazookas (only at the end though) Tis a beautiful crap story about... if ya wanna check it out go right ahead!

Convenience Crush

I wanna go HOME!!!