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Becca and Jelequed's Kitchen

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Becca, the Firelizards, and Jelequed leads you to a small kitchen with black, beaded walls. In the center ,on a table, are the juice and crackers ina a yellow container. Sitting in the chairs are two fire-lizards. A blue and a purple. With them is an adult violet Vitora Dragon.

"Come, sit down." The adult insists.

"I'm Oceandrae. And this is Breiaten." The blue fire-lizard begins.

"I'm Melanie. I was sleeping when these fire-lizards came and woke me up!" The adult says."Sorry to move in so early. We weren't supposed to be here untill next month. Did you get our message? Tidalqued was supposed to bring it to you!" Oceandrae tells Becca. "Oops, I guess I forgot?" He mumbles. "That's okay, Tidal. Fire-Lizards, you can make- well I guess you already did make yourself at home." Becca says. "I hope you don't get angry. It took us 8 hours to get here. We're starved!" Oceandrae and Breiatin say. "How about you have some juice and crackers with our guest?" Jelequed asks. "You can hae something to eat too, Melanie. I bet you're hungry!" Becca starts.

"Melanie moved in here Friday on May 28, 1999. Jelequed and I deeply love her." Becca ends.

"Come, follow me." Jelequed says. She leads you and them to a beautiful, dragon carved table. "Who carved this?" you ask. "Eliza, she's really an artist. She has been carving sense she was a little girl. Atleast that's what Gabrielle told me."Jelequed says.

Becca stands and walks over to the cabnet. She reaches her hand in and pulls out 8 straws and 8 cups. She hands the straws to Jelequed and the cups to Oceandrae.

"Here, fill up these cups, please. I have to go and change. These clothes are killing me." Becca says to Jelequed as she leaves the room.

Tidalqued twistes the top off the jug and pours the juice into the cups. Then, he puts the straws in them. Just then Becca returns.

She is wearing black widelegs and a black mini shirt. Her hair is pulled back in a pony-tail.

"Ahh, that's better." she sighs. "You look so pretty!" Jelequed says. "Thank you." Becca says. "So, you like wearing black, don't you?" you ask."Yes, it brings out the color of my eyes. And it's pretty, for a cave you know." she says. "Becca has pretty eyes. Doesn't she?" Tidalqued asks you. "Yes, she does." you say. "Thanks, to both of you." Becca says.

She sits down and you, the Vitora Dragons, the firelizards, and her drink the juice and eat crackers. You become very good friends with them.

"Bye," Becca, and the other creatures say when you start to leave. "Bye," you say to them.
