Blondie's Friends
"Hey, I'm Blondie. Well, that's my nickname. My real name is Jekklai (Geck-lay). These are my friends,

Meglik(Meg-lick)the mouse and

Azestrillizin the blue turtle (Az-ee-str-ill-isan). We came from
Tiny Critters. 
I was very proud to get this one. I really love her. I love all animals, though. This is the lovely Queen Esperonza (Ess-pur-on-zah). Her name means Queen Hope. She gave me hope and because Gabrielle's Black rabbit is named Hope.

This is the beautiful bronze flit Amishonin (Ah-mish-on-in). He's so sweet.

This is Green Amburah. She likes to fly. Sometimes she competes with both Esperonza and Amishonin. (Just between you and me, she always wins! ::giggles::) The fire-lizards came from
The Beaches.

This is Eyes. He helps us little people and creatures see around places because we're so small. He's also intelligent and magicl.

This is Ears. She has very good hearing. Sence us little people and creatures are small, she can hear stuff for us for atleat 210 miles away! Wow! That's a long way away. She's also friendly, active, and child-like. They came from
Granoseau Adoptions.

This is Oceaned. She's the one we ride on (except for the Granoseaus) to see around the world. I'm hoping I get a dragon soon! " Blondie updates.