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Saith's Empty Cave

You're walking in a cave, not knowing how you got there. The walls are made of an unimaginable blue. You hear a noise of glass bottles banging against eachother. You decided to follow it.

"Ahoy there mate." a cheerful voice greets you with. "Hello," you say.

Her blonde hair was bouncing off her back, as she skipped up to you. Her eyes were a sparkiling brown. She was wearing a cute little easter dress with a drgon on it. Her shoes were white and her gloves were blue.

"Ya heya to see Saith, mate? I'm gettin ready fo huh." the young girl says. "Yes, I heard she was pretty." you say. " She soore eez prety." she says. "What's young name, girl?" you ask. "Nicola. I liyk that name. It sounds prety." she says. "Why do you have an acsent?" you ask. "Cause, I'm froom Sindnay,Australia oond I'm onlee 5 yeyas old." Nicola tells you in a pleasent voice.

"What were you doing before I came in?" you ask. "I was getting ready for Saith." Nicola says. "But you said you've seen her before." you say. "I have an iyadeya oof whoit she's gonna louk liya. I've sane tha dragoons out Sanctuary Adoptions. Well, oi've goot to go." Nicola says.
