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Chris Jericho

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This is it, the page for the man, the high flying, lion taming, paragon of virtue, your role model and mine, CHRIS JERICHO.

I will start with this, because if I have said once, I've said it a million times, I DO NOT MISS RALPHUS. The idea was cute and funny at first, but then it just got old.

Cool trading card, I have to scan mine. (Thank you for the card Jason, when you are a famous wrestler, remember I mentioned you here on my page FIRST!!)

You can't tell me you don't just love it when he does that!! C'mon Baby!!

Wonder what he is thinking about??

I'd give almost anything for that jacket..In fact, I would bite off my fingernails, throw away ALL of my nailpolish, and, last but not least, cut off my pinky toe. (Since I always smash it on things, it feels like it's always broken)

Making sure nobody touches him, maybe he does need Ralphus??? Nah..Just a tough female valet (and not one of those moronic 100 pound sacks of silicone either)

You have to be smart when people are always conspiring against you..

I think he is the man of 1,004 wrestling tights

I bet he is the most fun person to hang with

I can't decide if he is a better wrestler, or showman..

My favorite picture of him. He looks so sexy, and so deep in thought

HA HA HA I HATE Disco Inferno..


For those of you that don't know, the song is Metallica, "Seek and Destroy".