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My Reasons

To all those who don't like him....Chris Jericho is my favorite entertainer, and if you don't like him, that is cool, but do not insult me, other people, or your own intelligence by calling him gay, as some kind of slam, since that seems to be the worst thing anyone can think of to say. I am so tired of hearing that a hundred times a day, I thought I would comment on it. To those of you that say it...
How would you know? And why should it matter anyway? If that is the best you can do, then you are in no way, shape, or form ready to tangle with me. Rethink your strategy, learn some bigger words, and oh yeah, while you are at it, remember this, wrestling is a show, if you "hate" a person because of the way they entertain...well, maybe mommy should lock up the remote, and make you wait until you learn the difference between real and pretend to watch shows that come on after dark. I believe they teach the contrast between real and pretend on Sesame Street , let me ask my 5 year old, he knows the difference. If you would like to comment on Chris' character, and you can remember that it is just that, a character, be my guest, I welcome all comments, and am a huge fan of a good argument!! Now, if you have made it this far, it shows me two things, either you agree with me, or you have something better to say than, "I hate him, he is gay."

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