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The Rock

A few words about The People's Champ before I go on. I think that the Rock could be "The Great One", except I liked him as a heel. I'm not sure why I liked him that way, because he is obviously gorgeous enough to be a "babyface"(I hate those name-tags). I never really thought about him until recently, when I read a story posted on a story-board on the web (good job kismet) If you want to read it, go to Livin On The Edge (see Links page). That's all for now, enjoy the pictures!!

At ringside, no doubt dicussing the directions to the famous Smackdown Hotel..

Check out his hair, lol

The People's Eyebrow
The People's Leopard Print Shirt

Am I the only one who thinks this man has a beautiful smile??? Kind of funny that his teeth are so perfect, since he gets popped in the mouth so much

Looking good like only he can.....

Back with more pictures later, most of these came from WWF.COM

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Just to let you know, the song is Guns-n-Roses "Paradise City".