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Lara's Absinthe Cafe

Lara's Gothic Underground Cafe' Menu

Lara is well known for her adventures which take her all over the world, but her other shall we say, less than legal or underground adventures are less well documented. This hidden dark side of Lara first became apparent when she tried Absinthe for the first time in Paris at a cafe, Les Aveugles, tucked into an alley between the Boulevard Montparnasse and Etienne-Piennot. Needless to say she was quite over whelmed by the experience.

Since that time Lara has compiled quite a source of information for those who are interested. However, she don't have time to mediate this underground forum, so she has left that task to me, her dark alter ego, Goth-Lara. I have listed Lara's secret 8 commandments(Ok a photo album isn't a commandment, but that is my one concession to those of you who come to Lara sites just to see Lara pics) and will post things that are relevate, whimsical, or whatever under each. Feel free to give Goth-Lara your opionions, experiences, stolen ideas, orignal drunken ramblings which might be moderatley relevant, whatever. And if you do feel the need to flame Goth-Lara, remember, I'm just a the dark side of a polygonal byte girl, I exist only in your mind.

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Goth-Lara says these sites rock, what R U waiting 4???!!

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The Croft Times - your best weekly Lara news
Planet Croft - Great Lara site
The Official X-Files site
NIN fans find a Warm Place here
Follow my spirit to the Dark Side of the Web
Enter the evil haxor world
The Best Main page music you'll ever hear, makes you want to drop everything and...oops
